Chapter 2

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Brynleigh Pasternack

Brynleigh pondered over the situation that occurred that afternoon well into the night. She had been doing a regular patrol over New York in the sky when she had noticed someone falling out of a high building. She quickly flew over and caught him. He thanked her when they got to the ground. He looked about her age, fairly cute. Now, all of these events were normal when you were a hero. The odd part was what happened after she put him down so he could stand up. It was like he had a moment of realization, and then he just sprinted. That was not something that happened every day.

He had even left…something…behind. Brynleigh couldn’t quite figure out what it was, but she kept it in her pocket in case she saw him again at some point. She didn’t, though she didn’t actually think she would be fair.

Brynleigh took out the odd device. It was small, barely half the size of her palm, and looked tech-y? She quickly shoved the device back in her pocket when she heard a knock at the door. She responded by lightly yelling that they could come in.

“Hey, kiddo. How are you holding up?” Lily Pad walked in, still in her suit. She was a hero in her mid-twenties who had gorgeous curly hair and a lovely purple suit. Lily Pads original name had been Andraia Williams, and she had the ability to heal any injury or ailment by simply looking at it. Which led to her working long hours at various hospitals around the world.

Brynleigh looked up to Lily Pad greatly. She was one of the heroes who had trained her when she first got to base. She had been seven then and so full of dreams. She considered Andraia one of the best people ever.

“Not much, just the usual patrol.” Brynleigh smiled as Lily Pad walked in the door holding two hot chocolates.

“Really, that’s great. It’s just that I heard from a certain someone who was on patrol with you that you had a little run-in with a pretty cute boy.” Lily handed Brynleigh one of the hot chocolates and sat down next to her.

“Ugh, Chris is always over analyzing things. A guy fell out of a building, so I caught him and helped him, nothing more.” Brynleigh angrily took a sip of the warm drink, wincing slightly as it burned her mouth.

“Okay, I was just wondering because normally you wouldn’t keep something of a person you saved, nor would you keep a trained eye out for them rather than other people who might be in need of your help.” Lily gave Brynleigh a knowing look as she got up to exit the room.

After Lily Pad had left, Brynleigh was left in her room with a cup of hot chocolate, an odd device in her pocket, and a lot of wonderings on her mind. She, once again, pulled out the odd device that the boy had left behind. She flipped it over in her palm and flicked it to try and figure out what it might do. After a little while, she simply came to the conclusion that it must be a broken toy that the guy had borrowed from a younger sibling or something. Maybe McDonalds had begun to up their game. How did she know? So she simply put it back on her nightstand to rest for the night.

With those disappointing thoughts, Brynleigh laid back in bed, prepared for sleep to take her. But right when she was about to fall asleep, she heard an awful screeching sound from off her nightstand. She quickly sat up to investigate what it could possibly be. Brynleigh saw a light begin to go towards the middle of the room, and a bit of a guy’s face started to light up the room. It sounded like the machine was trying to recreate something the guy was saying, but it kept glitching out, making it extremely hard to understand. She got a couple of things.

“Halloween…now…maitotoxin…in thirty seconds…good luck…” And then it just cut out completely.

Brynleigh jumped back into her bed and immediately laid down under the covers. She was thoroughly confused as to what had just happened. Brynleigh didn’t get much sleep that night.

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