Chapter 2

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"Ladies and gentlemen, we welcome you to Florida, you may now start unboarding the plane, stay safe. ", was the first thing I heard when I woke up from my dreamland on the plane.

After checking out of the airport, my eyes started lingering over the place trying to spot familier faces, who were going to pick me up. When a violet balloon that read, " We are here with a hand broken surprise to pick you up, Lynch" Caught my eye, and it didn't even took me a second to recognize the owners, "The Chipmunks", they were standing near Paxton's black car laughing about something and holding the balloon high when I noticed them but before I could reach upto them, flashbacks drowned me.

Noah and Paxton, brown haired heads with mischeif shining bright in their black eyes have been my friends since kindergarten, we have shared many memories together and are continuing as we somehow got enrolled in the same college after studying in the same school.

We would beat the living hell out of each other and even laughed till our stomachs hurt and then laugh even more at Noah making faces.

Then, Krystal came in our lives, that black haired head with beautiful sunkissed skin was made to sit beside me in ninth grade when she first came in our class and she, was, the silent girl as others would refer her and i guess we were the only ones who know how big of a chatterbox she is, now after knowing her for years all I could say is she is the person who would cry at the tiniest of things and laugh at the most serious moments but atleast she knows how to control her laughter, which I absolutely don't, if I started laughing once I am gonna laugh about it till the end of the day and that puts me in a lot of trouble.

I remember Noah used to put our backpacks on top of the cupboard at school and we would run after him like we would murder him, if we could, and you know what, if looks could kill, it would be Krystal's face when Noah's teasing would go out of limit.

But I was soon brought back to reality by my phone, it was my dad's call, he is stuck in Manhattan due to his work right now.

"Hey dad", I spoke on the phone.

"Hello love, did you reached Florida? ", he questioned.

" Yes dad, can I call you later, Krystal, Noah, and Paxton are waiting for me? "

"Okay dear, bye love you! Take care of yourself. "

"Bye dad, love you! Take care. "

"Hey guys" I walked upto the group of troublemakers.

"Surprise", they all shouted in unison pointing towards Noah's hand.

I shifted my gaze towards it and it was fractured and a sling was attached to it for support, but I bursted out laughing as soon as I saw his face, and then we all joined in.

" You can laugh as much as you want right now but wait till I get this sling off today, I have already recovered. " Noah complained.

"Okay let's get you two girls off to Littlewood then I would accompany Noah to the doctor", stated Paxton.

Littlewood Academy, get ready Violet Lynch is back I said in my mind, we all nodded and got in the car, Paxton agreed to drive.

We were on the road blasting music on the stereo when a car decided to ascend us and we all shouted "Paxton don't" In unison to stop him from cursing as he promised to not curse.

"I remember my promise, and I have stopped cursing a long time ago, you all don't have to shout like that", whined Paxton to which we just laughed and soon we arrived at Littlewood they dropped us and went to get Noah's sling removed.

"Finally! Littlewood I am back after a month", I exclaimed.

Krystal replied, " Let's get to our dorm, before we start crying our eyes out, out of happiness".


Krystal and I are dorm-mates and Paxton and Noah are dorm-mates. Then we walked to our dorm in Ellington Hallway laughing and talking, which is where all the girls reside and the boys dorm side is in Elliston Hallway. It was a long route but with Krystal it was cut short.


~Author's Note~

Hey readers, what do you think about the story by now? What do you think of our beloved chipmunk squad?
Do comment your views, I would love to read them and reply as well!


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