Chapter 6

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After settling into our dorm room, I couldn't stop thinking about Nicole's strange behavior. I decided to do some digging and see if I could find out anything about her.

I searched for her on social media and found her profile. I scrolled through her pictures and posts, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. However, I noticed that she had a lot of followers, including some popular kids at school.

As I continued scrolling, I stumbled upon a post of Nicole and the popular kids hanging out together. They were all smiling and having a great time, and I couldn't help but feel like Nicole was trying to infiltrate our friend group.

I showed the post to Krystal, Noah and Paxton, who had joined us in the dorm, and they agreed that it was strange, Noah voiced his concerns.

"I don't trust her. She's always hovering around us and trying to get close to us. It's weird," he said.

We all decided to keep a closer eye on Nicole and see if we could find out more about her intentions.

The next day at lunch, Nicole approached us and asked if she could sit with us. We hesitated for a moment but eventually agreed. As we ate, Nicole started asking us about our interests and hobbies.

At first, I thought she was just trying to get to know us better, but then she started asking more personal questions, like where we lived and what our families were like. I felt uncomfortable and wondered why she was prying so much.

Paxton, always quick to pick up on people's behavior, noticed that something was off about Nicole.

"I don't like the way she's asking so many personal questions. It's like she's trying to gather information on us," he said.

As the days went by, Nicole continued to hang around us, and I noticed that she was becoming more and more pushy. She would always want to know what we were doing and would get upset if we didn't invite her to join us.

Krystal, who was always kind-hearted and empathetic, tried to give Nicole the benefit of the doubt.

"Maybe she's just trying to make friends. It's not easy being new in a school," she said.

But I couldn't shake off the feeling that Nicole was up to something. One day, as we were walking to class, Nicole suddenly appeared in front of us, looking panicked.

"Guys, I need your help. I lost my phone, and I can't find it anywhere," she said, her voice trembling.

We all agreed to help her look for it, and we searched the entire school. As we were searching, I noticed Nicole acting strange. She would always lead us away from where we were supposed to be looking, and I couldn't help but feel like she was trying to distract us.

Noah, who was always analytical and logical, picked up on Nicole's behavior.

"She's leading us in circles. It's like she doesn't want us to find her phone," he said.

After a while, we gave up and decided to head back to class. As we were walking back, I saw Nicole's phone lying on the ground near the entrance to the school. I picked it up and showed it to her, but she didn't seem surprised.

"I knew it was there all along. I just wanted to spend some time with you guys," she said, smiling.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Nicole had lied to us and wasted our time just to hang out with us. I felt angry and hurt, and I realized that Nicole wasn't the friend I thought she was.

Paxton, who was always protective of his friends, was the first to speak up.

"That's not cool, Nicole. You can't just lie to us like that," he said.

Krystal, who was always the voice of reason, tried to calm everyone down.

"Let's hear her out. Maybe there's a good explanation for all this," she said.

But I had had enough. I confronted Nicole, telling her how I felt and how she had betrayed our trust. She tried to explain herself, but I knew that I couldn't trust her anymore.

As we headed to our classes, I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. I knew that things were about to change, and I had to be prepared for whatever came next.


~Author's Note~

Hey readers guess what two chapters after a long time.... Well tribute! Ha enjoy and tell me what do you think of this one... And Nicole's intentions is she looking for a friendship or something else....
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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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