14 || The heir.

16 4 5

John's pov

It was a beautiful morning with Mary beside me. I have never felt so good in a long time, ever since my dad passed away. Maybe I was falling in love with her, but I couldn't just tell her the right way because I might scare her off and my plan will fail.

I watched Mary do her hair next to the mirror and I woke up from the bed, stretching my arms and walked towards her. I helped her do her hair and she loved it. We were both lost in our universe when we had a knock on the door. I opened it and Mathew got inside the room, breathing loudly as if he was being chased.

I asked him what the matter was then he showed me his phone. On the screen were the news headlines. I fixed my eyes on the phone screen and read the top stories of the day and I saw a headline that shocked me. "The heir to the Marshall family." down it was a picture of the boy we left home earlier.

Mathew took his phone from my hand and stood up from the bed. "What are you going to do about this?" He asked.

I kept walking around the room, thinking of what to do next. I was shocked by my mom and her games. I needed the plan to teach her a lesson.

"We are leaving right now. Mary, get ready." I picked up my watch and put it on.

"Where are we going?" Mathew asked.

"We are going home. I need to tell my mom to put this to an end, I don't want to risk Mary's life." I fixed my tie and held Mary's hand, who was ready to go with me.

In a few hours, we arrived at my house. As a gentleman, I opened the door for Mary to get out of the car and held her hand as we made our way inside the house. Mathew was behind us, holding some of the files I needed to take home along.

When we got inside, Mom welcomed me with a hug but I never dared to let go of Mary's hand. Clara greeted Mathew and acted as if Mary was invisible and she gave a horror glare.

"Where have you been my son, I have been waiting for you to come back but you didn't." She looked at Mary and I knew she wanted to say something about her but she swallowed it up.

"I'm not a kid mom and if you are to be worried, worry about yourself." I pulled Mary close to me and put my hand behind her back.

She looked me up and down. "You don't talk to me like that." She hollered biting her lips. "Anyways!" She turned to her heels heading to the couch where Stephanie was seated. "Stephanie is here to visit her son and I was hoping you two can talk."

My heart darkened when I saw Stephanie seated on the couch. Holy shit. None of us moved, Mathew and I were surprised and disgusted by Stephanie who was sipping her wine unbothered.

"What is she doing here?" I asked.

"Have a seat, my son and greet each other." Clara smiled.

"I can't sit and pretend as if nothing happened. What are you trying to do Mom? You know very well that I don't have a kid and now you are telling the media that I have a son, what has gotten into your head?" I asked.

Mom and Stephanie we're just seated looking at each.

"Poor son, I know you are scared and not yet ready to have a son but what is done is done already. Accept the reality and move on." She took a sip from her wine glass.

"What reality, hah? I'm not accepting that kid because it's not mine." My hands tightened into first.

"Oh, and for your information, Mary and I got engaged. I love her so much and we don't need any stress from you two." I added.

Clara stood up from her seat and walked towards us. "What did you just say to me, you spoiled brat?" She groaned.

I took Mary's hand and held it in the air to show the ring on her finger. "We are engaged."

"Mhhh... Do you think that stupid ring on her finger will scare us? " She crossed her arms over her chest.

"I don't care mom, I will prove to you that he is not my son and I will kick them out of here." I pulled Mary by her hand and I took the papers from Mathew's hand to go upstairs.

"I didn't accept that bitch yet to become your wife, she is of no use." Clara turned to us.

"You know what mom, she doesn't need your approval."

"Then I need to do something. She needs to leave this house."

"Are you forget something? This is my house and if there is anyone to leave, is you and that witch." I said pointing at Stephanie.

Stephanie stood up from her seat and stood on her long heels chewing a piece of gum like a hungry pig. "You are calling me a witch because of that cheap girl? Honey, you deserve better. Not some middle-class girl with no class." She said looking at Mary.

I rolled my eye and moved Mary closer.

"At least she has point." Clara defended Stephanie.

While we were busy talking, Tom came from nowhere running towards me and shouting "Daddy". He hugged my legs and I pushed him away but Mary catches him before he fell.

"What are you doing, he's just a child?" Mary asked me with a worried face.

I met many people in my life but I have never met someone patient, calm and good-hearted like Mary. Even if people say bad things about her, she never took them considerably. She knew how to handle things and situations carefully.

"She... is... just... a... child." Stephanie weirdly imitated Mary. "What do you know about children you stupid girl?" She asked pulling Tom away from Mary.

"I'm sorry, I just saved him from f..." Before she could finish Stephanie stopped her.

"Save your silly words, I don't need to hear them," Stephanie growled. "And how dare you touched him." She raised her hand to slap Mary in the face but I was quick to stop her.

My chest falls and rises with a rapid breath. I was so mad, I couldn't bare to see anyone raise her hand towards Mary, especially Stephanie. I pushed her badly but Mathew catches her before she fell.

"Thank you for saving me." She thanked Mathews but he let go of her and she fell on her buts.

"No thank you." Mathew moved backwards, far a bit from her.

"I won't tolerate such rotten behaviour. She has the right to sue you both for harassing her. How can you do that to her?" Clara yelled.

"Mrs Marshall, do you know the meaning of harassing or I should give you a dictionary?" Mathew asked.

"Shut your stupid mouth you orphan, I'm not the one who killed your corrupted parents." Clara hollered at Mathew.

It was a moment of silence. Everyone was shocked by what Mom said. We both can't believe she said that. I saw Mathew dying from the inside. He turned on his back and left the house.

"And you two, I will teach you a lesson for doing this to me." Stephanie cried and yelled at us.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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