I'm Messy, I'm Reckless, I Fuck Shit Up For Breakfast

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flyboi created a chat

flyboi renamed the chat to major league🔑📁

flyboi added @bigwheels
flyboi added @bigbadbat
flyboi added @eighthwonder
flyboi added @waterboy
flyboi added @soup
flyboi added @mcqueen
flyboi added @greenmile
flyboi added @jupiter
flyboi added @blackbird

flyboi: welcome leaguers! please give both your names so everyone knows who's who as well as your favorite color. for science

bigbadbat: i thought we talked about you adding me to more group chats?

flyboi: we did and i ignored you. trust me on this, big man. you'll thank me later.

bigwheels: by the way for anyone not informed, you can't just delete the app from your phone without consequence. just ask batman about the ohana protocol later and he'll tell you everything

↪ replied to bigwheels - flyboi: that is an excellent point that I'd not gotten to yet, thank you oracle.

soup: im clark. or well, superman. and my favorite color is green

↪replied to soup -  flyboi: didn't expect that

mcqueen: im barry/flash. my favorite color is yellow

↪replied to mcqueen - bigwheels: booo! boring!

↪replied to bigwheels - mcqueen: not fair oracle! 🥺

greenmeanie: guess im oliver/green arrow. favorite color's black btw.

↪replied to greenmeanie - greenmeanie: could roy have picked a worse name for me?

↪replied to greenmeanie - flyboi: he didn't pick it, i did. he just did my bidding. 😈

bigbadbat: just be glad it's not this oliver... 🙄 anyway, im batman. my favorite color is blue

↪replied to bigbadbat - greenmeanie: no, you're right. that's worse

↪replied to bigbadbat - flyboi: also, his name is bruce. you're not exempt big guy

bigbadbat: 🙄

waterboy: i physically hate all of you

↪replied to waterboy - greenmeanie:  ahahahahahaha 😂😂😂😂 tell you picked this one too? @flyboi

↪replied to greenmeanie - flyboi: nope. that was jason

↪replied to flyboi  - greenmeanie: i gotta send that kid a fruit basket or something

waterboy: laugh it up queen. im arthur/aquaman,, apparently 🙄 my favorite color's yellow too

jupiter: i do not understand why this is my username but i suppose i wont object. i am j'onn. i am also martian manhunter. my favorite color is red like m'arrz

blackbird: funny. who came up with this one?

↪replied to blackbird - flyboi: also, jason

↪replied to flyboi - blackbird: well, they cant all be winners

blackbird: im dinah/black canary. tho i prefer laurel. my favorite color is midnight blue

↪replied to blackbird - bigwheels: ooh some diversity

eighthwonder: i rather like this name. i am diana. im also wonder woman. my favorite color is red

↪replied to eighthwonder - flyboi: that name was my brainchild. glad you like it.

flyboi: this is dick btw and @bigwheels is oracle. my favorite color is orange! 😊

bigwheels: and mine is purple, obviously

flyboi: anyway, so this chat is for the league only. and since i don't trust bruce to keep this going im setting both diana and j'onn as mods for this chat.

↪replied to flyboi - greenmeanie: why don't you just moderate it, kid?

flyboi: bc that's not the plan. and since oracle and i aren't technically part of the league currently, that would be stupid. if such a time comes that all of the sidekicks get into the league then I'll kindly borrow either diana or j'onn's phone and add the 'kicks to this one. anyway,, enjoy!

flyboi promoted eitghtwonder to moderator
flyboi promoted jupiter to moderator

bigwheels left the chat
flyboi left the chat

mcqueen: why are they allowed to leave the chat but we aren't?

bigbadbat: oracle hacked this app so i suspect she has some safe guards in place. it wouldn't be good for an ordinary citizen to find our accounts or chats on this app. i assume oracle encrypted our profiles, chats and apps as a protection

greenmeanie: you've passed your toxic traits onto your sidekicks i see 🙄

mcqueen: i actually just snorted out loud during a work meeting. i hate you oli

a/n: just setting up all the chats. enjoy!

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