part 5

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Authors note: there's gonna be a time skip to night because I am very lazy. Also anything written in italics is maxes dream.

Max, Niel, and Nikki were sitting in the mess hall, max was sharpening a plastic knife while Nikki was stealing Niels dinner. David entered the mess hall with a grin from ear to ear, Max hated that smile. Why was he always happy?he hated that he couldn't feel that way, didn't he know how fucked up the world truly is? 

"Hello campers! I hope you had a good dinner! Because it's time for sleep! Please head to your tents!" Max, Niel, Nikki, and the rest of the campers walked to there tents. Max entered the tent and took off his shoes and hoodie, throwing them under his cot. He reached under his pillow and grabbed Mr. Hunnynuts and flopped onto his cot.  After a few minutes his eyes grew heavy and he fell asleep.

Max opened his eyes to find himself sitting in the mess hall with Nikki and Niel eating. David walked in with a clipboard, smiling like a maniac.

"Good morning campers! Today your parents will see how your doing!" David exclaimed. Max rolled his eyes while staring at his food.

"This early in the summer? Oh well, my parents would should up to this shit show" Max thought. Niel looked concerned while Nikki was talking about different animals to show her mom. After a few minutes it was time to leave to great their parents, some campers were complaining while some were giggling.

The bus pulled up, almost hitting David. The door creaked open, one fell off.

"Parents are here" said the quartermaster. The parents flooded out of the worn out bus, some bumped into each other. Max was about to walk away when some one grabbed his hoodie from behind.

"What the fuck?!" Max said as he turned around, he went pale once he realized who it was.

"Clara that is no way to talk to your mother!" Max's mom yelled slapping him across the face. Max tried to back up but his mom pulled him in closer.

"You worthless f@g0t, be thankful we let you stay here."she said before punching his stomach causing to fall over. Max's eyes filled with water, his body felt numb. He could see the campers and there parents watching him, some looked disgusted while others laughed.

Max woke up shaking. He looked around, Max sighed glad it was just a dream.

"GOOD MORNING CAMPERS!" David screeched enthusiastically. Max groaned as he put on his hoodie and shoes, Niel had all ready left so he was alone.

"It was just a dream, JUST a dream. No one would ever know right? Even if they knew they wouldn't care right?" Max thought as he nervously walked to the mess hall. Nikki and Niel were talking about what the activity was today, max walked in and sat next to them.

"HI MAX! DO YOU KNOW THE ACTIVITY TO DAY?!" Nikki said with a mouthful of food.

"Whatever it is it's gonna be a train wreck" Max replied.

"Hey Max, are you ok? Your really pale and shaking" Niel asked with concern.

"I'm fine, just tired" Max stated trying to hide his nervousness. After a few minutes David came into the mess hall with a smile so bright it could blind someone.

"Good morning campers! We have great news today! Since the flag was found we can finally go swimming!" David announced, Max's face when pale.

"Shit" Max thought.

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