Chapter 1: Getting To Know The Neigborhood

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A/N Yay this book has finally been realeased! This is a much better version that actually makes sense. Oh and thanks to my editor randomguy345 go check him out! Oh and one last thing, The spacing is all screwed up for some reason :/ Sorry
We've been in this house for around a month now, and even though I am getting used to my
new life, I still prefer my old one. This town is actually quite nice, because it has everything we
need, and much more. There's arcade's, parks, tons of cool restaurants, and a huge mall.

Now about my house, it's actually not that much bigger then my older one, but my parents say
that there's tons of room for renovation. By the looks of it we live in a nice neighborhood, but I
haven't gone exploring around yet.

"Ryan!" My mom banged on my bedroom door. "You need to get up, get dressed, and leave this

"But mom I don't know anybody!"

"Then go and meet people! Your sister is out there making friends! Now go!"

I sighed and knew that there was no point in arguing. I threw on a random pair of clothes,
grabbed my phone and headed outside. Sure enough there were two people talking to my
sister, and when I got there the boy stopped talking and headed straight to me.

"Thank god you're here!" The boy came over to me and put his arm on my shoulder. "She was
getting annoying!" I looked back at Lexi and saw that the girl was still in a deep conversation
with her.

"Um do I know you?" I kinda pushed the kid's arm off my shoulder.

"Oh yeah! I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Jawan, and the girl over there is Grace!" Grace
looked at me and waved. My first thought was they were brother and sister, but I dropped that
idea immediately.

Jawan was tall and had light brown skin and black curly hair, while Grace was kinda short, had
pale skin, red hair, and freckles. Grace stopped talking to Lexi and headed over to us. "Hi! I'm
Grace!" She seemed very bubbly, I kinda already like this neighborhood.

"Hi, I'm Ryan." I did an awkward smile, and we all kinda stood there in silence before Jawan said

"So Ryan, Lexi... Do you want us to give you a tour of the neighborhood?"

I shrugged. "Yeah why not."

"Great!" Jawan smiled. "Let's get to it!"


From what I have seen so far, our neighborhood is very kid friendly. What I mean by that is,
there are tons of fields scattered around the place, a couple of parks, and of course a lot of kids.
A lot. The only problem is that most of the people in our neighborhood are like 10 year old boys
who just run around screaming and being 10 year olds. The good life.

Meanwhile the few kids who are our age just stay indoors in play videogames... The life I
wanna live, but I have to be out here. Exploring.

Now one kid did come out of his house when we knocked on the door. It was some jock guy
and his name was Matt. "Sup Jawan, Grace, new kid."

I just smiled and waved.

"So you're a shy one?" Matt laughed. "Good luck with that. This town is very social."

"Great." I said under my breath.

"And he speaks!" Matt slapped me on the back. "Now I'm hungry. You guys hungry?" Everyone
did a subtle shrug. "Great!" Matt smiled. "Let's go to that hotdog place Marks house of Weiners."


I never realized how compact this town was, until we had left the neighborhoods and were in
the downtown area. It wasn't a long walk either. We were only about a mile away from where I
lived, but it felt like a different town.

We were walking past a gaming shop, called World of Gaming, when I heard something crash
and there was someone laying on the ground.

"Sir are you okay?" I ran to the guy and saw that he had probably tripped over the uneven
concrete and had fallen.

"I'm fine," The man got up and smiled. "Thank you!" He started to leave and he dropped
something out of his bag. I picked it up and looked at it. I was going to go and hand it to him but
he was gone already.

Enter the International 2016 WWG tournament. Each state has will hold a qualifying round at
their Capitol. The top 5 teams from each state will then go on to the regionals. Finally the top 25
teams will head to Tokyo to face off against the best gamers in the entire world. For more
information visit or stop by your nearest Gaming retail store.

"Yo Ryan hurry up over there!" Grace called out from ahead. I guess they didn't notice I had
helped that old fella up. "What's that in your hand?" They asked as I jogged over to them.

"It's a thing about some gaming tournament." I handed the paper to Jawan. "I think it sounds like
a lot of fun!"

Matt just snorted. "Ha video games are for losers! I think a football game would be way more
worth your time!"

"It says only groups of four can enter." He scanned the paper over. "I wouldn't mind doing it for
fun. I mean we probably won't get in past the first round, but hey it's worth a shot! How about
you Grace?"

Grace just shrugged. "Sure why not. Our only problem is getting a fourth person. And it's the
middle of summer for crying out loud! No one is here!"

"Man you guys are losers!" Matt pulled out his wallet and checked his money. "But it doesn't
matter because you're buying hotdogs Grace!"

Grace just rolled her eyes as we headed to the hotdog restaurant.


So what did you think? I'm planning on updating this book once a week, and I already have 5 or so chapters planned out, but they need to be re edited. I had to reset my iPad, and iCloud didn't back this story up :/ Luckily I had sent them all to my editor, so he just resent me the old versions and I could fix them up!

Until next time,


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