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It was after school and I was on my way to the gymnasium to serve my detention. On my way there I passed Ashton and...his blonde friend Luke, If i'm not mistaken. I tried to ignore this quick meet n greet but I failed at this task. Ashton was the first to point me out to his friend, Luke. "HEY! VANESSA!!!!" He held my name out to long, boring me on the subject. My only option was to turn around, do to the fact, I was noticed.

"hey....ummmm, Ashton, right?" He nodded eagerly and turned to his friend with a cheeky smile, Like he was just noticed by some superstar.

"so what, did you want something?" He looks at me nervously.

"Well, you, me, date." He orders cockily.

"Unbelievable..." I sighed under my breath.

All I could think about was how he refused me in the past. I remember running away, moving away, Leaving everything behind me because of him. "Umm..., I don't remember being asked. So i'm good." I sassed and walked away. I could feel his eyes peer through me, but I knew I have won this battle for now.

2 weeks later:

The Past week has been the worst! First of all, Ashton wouldn't stop flirting. Can this guy take no as an answer! He's constantly bothering me, but the rest of the boys are so cool! Michael is my favorite because he's just like me. Luke always make me laugh with his random dances and ideas. Calum always makes me smile when he does funny faces. And finally, Ashton makes me irritated by his persistence!

Today is a Friday which means starting tommorow I get 2 days full of Ashton-free time. Right now, I'm in Physical Science and I have Ashton and Michael in my class. The next period is lunch so thank god.

"Okay class! Today we are gonna be working on circuits so group up." Michael immediately turns to me and smiles at me, Then nod tells me that we're partners; i'm not surprised.

"Hey Mike, go get the box full of the equipment." He nods and rushes to the supply closet, which had all of the equipment. I begin to sketch out a diagram until a shadow blocked the light. I looked up thinking it was Michael but I was wrong. Ashton was standing there with a smirk on his face and gasped. "

"Look at this, you already had a seat open for me, partner."

"Actually, I'm working with Michael so move."

He stared at me for a few seconds before walking away. He later huffed and sat next to Natalia. As me and Michael continued to work until the class ended. I quickly got up and ran to the lunchroom, but I was stopped by Irwin.

"Hey Vanessa, I'll give you another chance to change your answer, do you want to go out with me?"

"I would rather not, so bye." I tried to pass him but he blocked the way.

"Irwin, I would go out with Michael, which is disgusting, than go out with you. Hell, I will make out with him!"

I run up to Michael and pulled his neck down to kiss him. Almost immediately Ashton pulled Michael off. He aggressively pushed him and punched his gut.

"What the hell, Ashton! Leave him alone!"

He dropped Michael down and I kneeled down to him. Michael looked at me with disgust.

"Really?! You're gonna kiss me to prove a point!?"

"No, I was just trying to make him stop. Please don't leave me. You're the only person I have let." I said with deep sorrow.

He looked at me with sympathy but continued "Still, friends don't use each other to make scumbags jealous..." after saying this point I looked up at him and he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, and pulling out of my gaze "its fine..." he mumbled then turned to walk out.

One week later.....

Today was friday, a family day with my mom and I couldn't wait. She's always gone because of her job, so today she took a break, Which is a rare opportunity.

I was in lunch when I received a message from my mum. "Can you get a ride home? I have to work late." I would've had my dad pick me up but... he's in jail. Let's just say he's "messed up". I sat next to Michael and Luke, across from us, Sat the Douchebag, aka Ashton, and his friend Calum.

"Hey Mikey, can you give me a ride home?"

"Sure. Where do you live?"

"(insert address)." when sharing this info, I didn't think of the questions that would come with it.

"Wait, Ashton! Didn't your old best friend live there?" Realization hit Ashton like a ton of bricks,

"Oh my God, that girl! Yea she did. She was a total freak and SO ugly! I'm so glad she left, I used to call her Van and she thought it was because of her name. Nope, its because she's as fat as one! And let me tell you, I felt bad for her parents; hell her dad used to abuse her and I felt that he had to hit her because she probably has diseases."

Anger boiled within me, My palms became sweaty, I slammed down my fork and jumped up from my seat at the table. All eyes were now on me. I could feel my palms shake but no words were audible, "You're the most.... the most!..." I stood there for a moment longer before swinging my leg over the picnic table seat. I left my seat and went to where Calum was sitting. I grabbed his plate, great choice of food Calum......Spaghetti with soda. I dumped the spaghetti on Ashtons brown curly hair and let the soda quickly pour on the top of his head.

"Well then, I'm glad you have such a great "joke" to share about that girl, ASH! Let me just tell you one thing, That girls feelings for you, were mutual to yours! GoodBye, Ash Ketchum." That was my nickname for him. He loved Pokemon and he was always called Ash so that was my special name for him.

He looked at me with wide eyes, while mine were barely able to see him due to the tears pouring out. I left the table and ran home. It was 25 minute run, but its better than being stuck with him!

Written with Rhettandliink

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