||Nights like these||Candle x Cabby||

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Candle and cabby have a sleepover (associated with "pink in the night" be Mitski)

I giggle falling onto the bed as candle followed falling next to me both laughing nearly crying even. We calmed down slowly as we sat up to look at each other, she looked so pretty like this, usually she was covered in layers of clothing and crystal jewellery but seeing her all natural just in basic things like a black tank top and some gray sweat pants her hair flowing down her back and shoulders pushing it behind her ears with her neatly painted black nails, made me feel as if my insides were a volcano about to explode. She exclaimed softly "okay I think we're both tired out, mind if we go to sleep?" Rubbing her eyes out of tiredness she yawned after that question waiting for a response. "No problem I'm pretty tired myself" I replied following her going for a yawn. She got up and lit her crystal salt lamp. "I'm going to the rest room real quick, you coming with?" She asked turning back at me. "No I'm good" I said laying down and crawling under the covers childishly. She nodded calmly and shot me her significant smile before switching the light off and exiting the room closing the door behind her. I lay in bed trying hard to open my eyes wider, as I was trying to not fall asleep I heard a slight buzzing noise.

 Ah, that must be my phone, as a normal human being I put it on silent mode but for some reason I didn't turn off the vibration setting. I reach for my phone not really looking at the nightstand. As I brought my hand back with what I thought was my phone i was surprised with a little notebook with the words "DO NOT LOOK INSIDE" in all caps on the cover, there were a couple other doodles around the text. I sat up weakly inspecting the notebook wondering what information it could hold, well since the end of the competition I tried to play off gathering intel to my files knowing that it could cause harm to the others but sometimes the urge to just grab a pen and fill in an empty file was just overpowering. Of course this was a personal item of candles I didn't want to have this information for myself, god forbid she would find out that would for sure not only ruin all my chances in having her as my girlfriend but also result in me losing one of my best friends, that also helps me recover. But if I just peeked inside I'm sure there wouldn't be any consequences, it wasn't written on paper it was just between me and this "journal"? "Dairy"? Maybe. I hesitantly open it on a random page and read the contents

"today was great! I got to go out with some friends but most importantly cabby! We went out for some coffee and walked around the shopping mall for a bit, I know it isn't really my style but I'm happy they had a good time, signing off - date : ##.##"

I stared down at the page but the only thing I could focus on was "but most importantly cabby" she thought I was important?! What?! She probably was just happy to see me, don't get your hopes up cabby. I flip over a few more pages and stop at one recently early, it read

"today was confusing? So I hung out with silver, he's a nice guy for a long time now I've been thinking that maybe I have a thing for him?? But it's very confusing like I really like him I'm pretty sure he likes me too, but I can't see myself dating him it would be a tad bit annoying and I just get a weird (not good weird) feeling at the thought of even kissing him... I don't know anymore uhhh I'm tired goodnight - date : ##.## "

Oh great silver... I don't know what to think anymore maybe this was a bad idea maybe I could find out something life changing about her either in a good way or bad way. Okay! Only one more page I flip over a couple more pages less this time look at the text it was very recent.

"Today was the BEST!!! :D IM IN LOVE I LOVE HER SO MUCH SHES A DREAM OH MY GODDD AAAAA I LOVE HER SMMM I FINALLY KNOW WHAT IM FEELING GOD AAAA!!!!<33 I JUST KNOW THAT SHES THE GIRL!! I don't know how I'll confess tho and what if she doesn't like me back?! Oh that's a whole other story... for know i just want to focus on being IN LOVE!!! - DATE - ##.## "

WHAT! WHO? WHERE?! She likes someone, better a GIRL?! I flip back one page and quickly dart my eyes through the paper stressed as ever I read the text

"Today was nice. I went to the forest with my sketch book and tried drawing with my hands turning off my mind and things interfering with it but something was wrong I couldn't stop thinking about cabby she has a neat in-fact very neat way of being her hair is always well kept and she would always dress like a woman of business, and I adore that in her I don't know how I feel about her yet but what I know is that she consumes most of my thoughts at the moment, then again we hang out a lot together maybe it's because of that I don't know yet I just know that she's the best person here probably. - date : ##.## "

Im speechless, at a loss for words to explain how I feel as a dark bluish hue crept onto my cheeks. Was that about me, surely not or am I dreaming. She actually likes me back!! I start to giggle giddy with endorphins. My little childish celebration was interrupted by the sound of foot steps echoing through the hall and getting closer. I quickly put the journal back to its original place and lay down with my back turned to the door trying to get rid of my blush. Candle slowly entered the room closing the door behind her quietly, she then sat down next to me. I turn around pretending to be sleepy as if I didn't feel like a hundred volts just ran through my skin "what's up" I say tiredly "if I could have a talk with you that would be great" she said calmly as she always does. Then a single two thoughts start to repeat in my mind like a toy train. That page in the journal what if her feelings changed after all it wasn't the last one there were a few
Newer ones in that time something might have changed that thought scared me to the bone but the thought of her confessing was also scary but scary in a good way a very good way actually no a great way!

But as those two thoughts collided in my mind I sat up and looked into candles violet coded eyes, like a field of tulips in the summer, a never ending ocean of feeling did I mention I loved her eyes? "Do you remember the game of bottle we played maybe a month or so ago" she started awkwardly i saw her face slowly being covered with a significant purple blush "the one night we swore to never talk about again?" I rose a brow with a slightly smug look on my face "yeah uhm so I've been thinking that we could have maybe did that better" she looked away for a moment hiding her facial expression and waiting for a response, afraid of rejection, simply scared. "Oh Candle.." I cupped her face, heart nearly beating out of my chest "I would-..." I stopped in my tracks unable to choke out another word as candle put her hands on mine looking at me with lust, her gaze was mesmerising to me. "You do?" She said in a hush tone smiling slyly at me. My hand naturally moved down to her sides as hers wandered to the back of my head as we got closer to each other, breathing slowly. She quickly closed the gap between us kissing me. After a while we both pulled back to get some air, our body's practically glued together, feeling safe in each others embrace. She giggled softly putting her forehead against mine I followed her and started giggling. "I wish for us to stay like this forever" she said with her naturally smooth voice "then let us be" . After a while of sitting like that we agreed to finally go to sleep. I lay down with her head on my chest as we drift off to sleep comforted by each others warmth.

"Today was probably the best day in my life. Guess what, me and cabby are dating now!! I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND AND ITS HER <333 IM PROBABLY THE HAPPIEST WOMAN ON EARTH!!! Anyways we are going out next week like on a DATE IM STRESSED ASF BUT I KNOW ITS GOING TO BE GREAT - date : ##.## "

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