||I'm Here || Payjay||

878 6 7

(Another request!? Also this is my first time writing a Payjay fic, I know shocking but I hope it's at least readable)
Req for : @newlanguages

Papers POV:
I finally sit down in the kitchen. My legs giving out probably will have some prints but I couldn't care less. I hold my hand that had a cramp at the time, rubbing in as if it would help. In some time it went away, god finally. I look at my hand watch, my vision was still blurry but as my eyes got used to actually seeing I saw the hour, 2am.

Okay not that bad as last time, I'll just finish up a couple final touches and I'll probably go to sleep until something happens. I held my head in pain, my vision getting bad once again. Laying my head on the table I started to think about all the different types of pain I'm feeling right now, but if I didn't do all these things who would, I wouldn't want to overwork Oj he already has a lot in his hands and I'm here to help anyways.
I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder, I turn around not very suddenly because I was kind of tired and I was too lazy to be honest. I look up at the ginger person with a masculine posture "Paper?" Though my ears didn't hear anything for a long time from the voice I could vaguely assume it's Oj. He looked a bit confused but as most he was, worried?

I cleared my throat and swallowed my saliva to start talking "Oh, hi Oj!" I say tiredly with a bit but only a little enthusiasm. "Why are you up so late?? I thought you were just going to do some clean up work and go to bed right away?" He questioned me, what was this an interrogation?

I processed the questions and replied "I just noticed a couple other things that needed to be dealt with, and the second I know it it's the middle of the night" I tried to put a comedic tone to the topic hoping it would take it off of Oj's mind, sadly for me It didn't.

"Paper i told you that we have split chores around here, maybe some of the residents will help from time to time but you're definitely taking on too much work!" Oj held my hands pulling a chair seemingly out of nowhere and sat in front of me. "I just think that as the hotel manager I'm not doing that much for the hotel, you take all the chores around here" he added on.

"Well you do already have a lot of paperwork regarding the hotel and I thought I could at least help you like this an-" Oj cut my sentence short looking closer at my hands and exclaimed, a worried tone could be heard in his voice "You are working too much! The skin on your hands is all scraped and coming off and don't get me started on the... burn mark!?" His tone changed quickly "when did this happen? You have so much prints and then a burn mark?!" I look up at Oj as he followed.

The tear duks in my eyes were starting to get more wet by the second I felt like I could break down sobbing. But I couldn't possibly show that. "Paper..." Oj looked deep into my eyes as I did the same

"Your body has had enough, really trust me I know a thing or two about that, but really. I'm healing right now and you know that all those sleepless nights, having to literally bandage my hands so that I could hold things or do the most basic tasks but my point is..."

he looked away for a second but quickly enough his gaze wondered back to mine "I don't want you going through the same thing..." I felt a tear flow down my cheek as I felt comfortable crying and showing the emotions I was feeling "I don't want to get better knowing that you're hurting yourself like this" his hand moved up to my face wiping a tear of my cheek "I'm sorry.." I said quietly, but still hoping he could hear me "You have nothing to be sorry about Paper!" Oj held my cheek softly

"I know it can be hard but whatever you are going through just keep in mind that I'm here for you, whenever, wherever I'll be there ready to help you, okay?" His softly spoken words warmed my body slowly and comfortably, I nodded in response felling unable to throw out another word.

Instead I pulled him into a tight hug as if I was scared I might lose him. " thank you.. " I said as my voice broke down and he hugged me back. After a while of benefiting of of each others body warmth and just enjoying the moment I slowly felt numbness over my body as if I were in a state of sleep but I still could see and hear everything. Unexpectedly Oj picked me up bridal style and carried me to our shared room I presume, as we got to our destination he put me in bed. My eyelids glueing shut as I heard a faint "Goodnight" and I felt a kiss on my forehead before drifting off to sleep.

・:*☆── 941 words ──☆*:・
(or something around that)

Phew that was a wild ride huh? I'm actually surprised that it didn't come out that bad, sorry for the short length and the time it took me to write this. See you in the next request ;3

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