Well... Everyone... He's coming... He's officially coming to join the main team! Now, this is just hype... Cure Wing is coming next week!
Alright, let's get straight to the point by trying to analyze what's going on in the preview. Let's first focus on what's going on with Sora, Mashiro, and Ageha... I was really surprised to see her again in a serious situation like this. Still, to defeat the UFO Landborg, they need to attack it with strong hits. Meaning to say that Cure Prism's abilities are going to be useful for this Landborg. However, something bad is happening to Elle... I wonder what's going on...
Anyhow, let's focus on the main part of the whole teaser... Tsubasa... Yes, him. The cinnamon roll that's too precious for my heart... Now that the confirmation of the bird's identity has been revealed to be Tsubasa, the next episode will explain his role in the story. Sidenote, hearing his voice for the first time through this preview was really satisfying. He clearly sounds like a young boy, and that he also sounds cute, calming, and most importantly... Precious...
Now, it's speculating time! For those that are really well versed into the Prettycure Franchise, we all can confidently say that Tsubasa is in fact, Cure Wing. He's the orange boy cure of the group, and is the first boy to join the core team. Unlike Cure Infini, Black Pepper, and Pikario... Still, this whole episode shows us glances of Tsubasa, and how he's determined to protect Elle no matter what. Perhaps this is what makes him realize that he will be able to fly, as long as he has courage within him... Also, this makes me wonder if Cure Sky was amazed or overwhelmed by the appearance of Cure Wing... Hmm...
I must say, this is very hype... Again! Now that my theories are being answered, all that's left is to see the execution of Cure Wing's debut episode... While I wasn't able watch Episode 8 with my friends due to how chaotic our Family Day was, I really desired to watch this anime alongside with them. Even so, I can't wait to see the episode where Tsubasa becomes Cure Wing... Let's hope that he has a good transformation, and just be epic in his debut episode as Cure Wing.
March 27, 2023
The Book of Random Stuffs (News and Updates)
RandomRandom book. I can write anything in here. Except for short stories & skits. Updates will also be included here.