Back to life

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Wille was in the palace, he couldn't call it home, because it doesn't fell like it. He was lonely, very lonely. He had to leave Simon after his speech at the jubilet. Both of them thought they would end up together after Wille's speech, but things went different.

Queen was screaming at Wilhelm, he was in tears, he couldn't breathe. She was saying how stupid his behavior was, that he can't be with a boy and he needs to find a girlfriend. Itb was sick, she took him away from the love of his life, she dragged him out of school and put him in the car and they went to the palace. 

Now they were in her office. Wille was sitting in a chair opposite his mother. It was silent. She tried to speak up but couldn't. Wille was on the edge of crying. His hand was shaking and he couldn't look her in the eyes.

"Wilhelm I just... I'm trying to do my best for our country"
"Yeah of course country always must go first"
"And what about me? What about that what I need? You know how much I love Simon and you know it won't change"
"But why? Why you love him so much? His just some boy from some small town. Why couldn't you fell in love with some girl from Hillerska?"
"He's not just some boy. He- he knows me so well thet I some times wonder how he can know me when nobody knows true me even myself, he don't care about my status and who I am-"
"Okay I get it you don't want to be with someone because you think everyone cares only about your status, but it's not like that"
"Then how? All of my old friends wanted to talk to me because I'm the prince, I know that, after I went to Hillerska nobody cared of me, nobody asked me what's up"
"But why him?"
"Honestly, he's the only one that's watching over me, giver me oxygen when it gets hard to breathe and if I'm wrong or right he's always on my side and if I lose the fight, I know he'll bring me back- bring me back..."
"Bring you where?"
"Bring me back to life..."
At that moment Wille had tears in his eyes, he couln't hold them back anymore, he had to let it all out. So he did. He was crying like crazy oposite his mother and he couldn't stop...

No więc... może niektórzy z was znają ten frogment z piosenki Zayna Back To Life. Musiałam to napisać po prostu no nie wiem czułam ze to tu pasuje i żeby to lepiej wyglądał napisałam to po angielski, sorry za błędy językowe <3

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