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The blinding light overhead filled the gaze of a young girl,who's tiny body lay strapped to a metal table. While around her the blurred faces of men shrouded in strange white clothing surrounded her. One of the men appeared to have a sort of electric tablet in his hand for which he continued to jot down information about their new test subject. "Subject S008,approximately 6 years old, Caucasian female." The man informed the others around him as the mam beside him appeared to be fiddling around with a test tube filled a a strange and unfamiliar liquid which seemed to have a translucent hue to it. The young girl soon noticed another man who held a test tube in one hand before filling it with the translucent liquid. He flicked the side of the needle a few times allowing the air bubbles to fade from it.

"Subject's pulse is increasing by 42%, Heart rate increased as well by 28%." Another man informed as the man holding the needle aimed it towards the child who thrashed around in her spot. Tears rolled down her pale cheeks as she released a terror filled cry into the air,begging anyone around her to help her. To save her,where was she? Where was her mother? And most of all,why was she here? The man immediately silenced the girl as the needle slowly began to wedge its way into her very tissue. She lay there in utter shock as a sudden burning sensation began to creep it's way through her veins like a liquid fire that could not be extinguished.

The young girl released a hoarse cry feeling as if she was trying to swallow sand. Her mouth was horribly dry and burning, the liquid fire coarsing through her entire body forcing her to convulse. Many of the white shrouded men held her down firmly as the child thrashed across the table out of control. "Body temperature is 125! She won't make it!" One man cried our for his superior to stop this,for he had seem enough children die on this operating table to last him a life time. "No,continue the injections as planned." The dominant voice of a woman ordered,she appeared to be a cold hearted woman with no sympathy what so ever for the child in pain before her. All she cared about was results.

The men hesitantly nodded as they injected the still convulsing child 4 more times with the strange concoction the woman had created, hoping they would not have to wheel another table out of their secluded building to the furnace once again. They silently prayed the little girl would live,even if it was for a mere moment. They wanted her to live through this pain. But with the many injection sights on her body and her temperature increasing to a horrible 150 they had begun to lose hope. Tears continued to fall down the convulsing child's cheeks as ever so slowly her body began to cease its rapid movement. It appeared her body had either become use to the liquid fire within her or it was shutting down from the inside.

The men who surrounded the large metal table checked the young girl's pulse realizing how faint it had become. Almost undected,the were losing her. A single man watched as the small girl's bright cinnamon hued eyes began to dull and become unresponsive to any light. It was then that another man checked the child's heart bear realizing she no longer had one. He turned towards the plexiglass where their superior stood watching the entire thing. The woman sighed in annoyance towards the deceased child appearing already bored with her. She had hoped that increasing the dosage of her syrum would increase the effect along with the likelyhood of survival. But then again it was only a hypothesis, and she was only one test subject. There would be plenty more where she came from.

"Dump her,she's of no use to us." The cold woman ordered turning her back to the plexiglass glass only to hear the men inside gasp in both shock and fear. She quickly turned back to the scene only to see the once deceased child who's dull cinnamon hued pupils had now been replaced by the brilliant translucent glow of the syrum she had been injected with. The child blinked a few times,slowly regaining movement over her limbs. Feeling the liquid dire which once threatened to burn through her very flesh die out into nothing. "Are you getting all this?!" The woman exclaimed towards the men who struggled to write down the new information from the child.

"Pulse normal,body temperature dropped to normalcy. Pupils have changed hue due to syrum." One man scribbled down as another examined the girl who stared towards the men quietly. Her startling yet lovely translucent eyes boring into them. "Body appears to have synced with the syrum 92%!" A man exclaimed in awe as he watched the small girl easily tear her wrists and ankles from the straps she had once struggled to break. Now she appeared to break through them as if they were noting but paper. "Physical strength increased by a dramatic 80%!" Another man exclaimed as he allowed the child to hop off the table.

The hard white floor seemed to make the child shiver as she stepped towards the plexiglass allowing the men's superior to take a good look at her. She was an utter success the first of many. She was the first step into a new age where the woman hoped to be one of the most influential scientists of all time. The cold woman stared into the translucent pupils of the little girl who appeared to be staring directly at her. This little girl was the future,and she intended to make more just like her. No matter the cost,and no matter the horrible sins the woman would commit. She wanted the world in the palm of her hands and that was final.

Dear Readers,

This is an original story of mine that my husband and I came up with,it is sci fi which I've never written before but I'm so excited for this story! If you enjoy it or have any tips please comment! Thanks!

- Ashe_Hime

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