Enough is enough {No more tears}

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Charlotte sat on the bathroom floor as grace sat on the bathtub. They were both done with men. Grace was angry at mark and Charlotte was annoyed at derek

Charlotte picked up the vodka bottle that she had been drinking from and groaned as she saw it was empty as she lay back on the bathroom floor

"It's not us. It's them. Them and their stupid boy penises. They gave absolutely no warning that they were going to hurt you and seduce you" Charlotte said as grace opens the shower door, where she is lying completely dressed

"It's not that mark slept with up with me. It's how he slept up with me. How he treated me after as if it's my fault he slept with addison and then he gets me knocked up" grace said as Charlotte sat up slightly and groaned

"I'm going to throw up again" Charlotte said as she rushed over to the toilet and stopped

"False alarm" Charlotte said as grace looked to her

"Look, the problem is estrogen" grace said

"No, the problem is vodka and your brother" Charlotte said

"Least he didn't knock you up" grace said

"With the stupid boy penis" Charlotte said

"now he's ruined me" grace said dramatically

"Penises. Penises. hey mer" Charlotte said as the  bathroom door opens and Meredith and George walk in. George to brush his teeth and Meredith with a bottle of water

"You going to get up or are you going to lie on the bathroom floor forever?" Meredith asked her as Charlotte shrugged

"I'm drinking she's pregnant" Charlotte said

"What did I miss?" George asked as Meredith throws the bottle of water at Charlotte

"Sober up char... she's going through mcdreamy drama and she's going through baby daddy drama" Meredith said

"I knew that" George said as grace smiled. Grace had told George all about mark

"I feel empty" Charlotte said as she downed the water as grace looked of her

"Really I feel pissed off and with my dear brother I'm surprised your not" grace said as Charlotte looked to her

"That's the hormones"

"Give it time" Meredith said


Charlotte got to work. She was hungover and this was the last place that some wanted to be. She didn't want to be around derek or addison. Charlotte stood from her car and groaned as she saw derek

"Stop" Charlotte said as Derek looked to her

"What?" He asked

"You're stalking me. Stop it" Charlotte said

"Did we not communicate last night?" He asked

"Yes" Charlotte said

"Did you hear what I was saying?" He asked

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