Into you like a train

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Charlotte sat in joes. She was getting drunk and sat looking at the door waiting for derek. She looked to joe as he sat behind the bar and sighed

"I actually said "choose me." Right? I did? "Choose me"?" Charlotte asked as Joe looked to her and smiled

"I think it's romantic" joe said

"It's not romantic, Joe, it's horrifying. Horror movie horrifying. Carrie at the prom with the pig's blood horrifying. It's the turning up to highs school dream horrifying" Charlotte said

"Ok, fine, it's horrifying. But Carrie took out an entire senior class as revenge. Gotta say, I like that in a girl" joe said as Charlotte looked to him

"I said "choose me."

The other interns sat in the corner as they looked to grace as she looked to them and frowned as she realised that they were talking about her

"When you tell someone "I'll meet you later at a bar tonight," how long exactly does that mean you're supposed to wait?" Cristina said

"Leave her alone" grace said

"Do you think he's really not coming?" George asked

"He has too" Meredith said

"It is getting a little hard to watch" izzie said

"Like your love life Isobel" grace siad

"It was hard to watch an hour ago. Now it's just pathetic" Cristina said

"Who's pathetic?" Charlotte asked as George & Izzie give Cristina a look as Cristina looks away

"What?" Cristina said

"You, who pretend to be my friends are calling me pathetic behind my back in front of my face" Charlotte said. She was slightly drunk

George points to Cristina as if to say her, not me

"Why don't you just dump the pig's blood on me now and get it over with?" Charlotte said as The door bell jingles as someone walks into the bar. Charlotte looked and sighs as she saw it wasn't derek as Someone's pager goes off

"He's really not coming" Charlotte said to herself as George's pager goes off followed by everyoke else's pager
"Joe, turn up the TV!" Someone yelled as the Bar TV is showing a train wreck

"A massive train wreck occurred just outside of Seattle just minutes ago"

"911" Cristina said

"We just worked a 30 hour shift" izzie said

"I don't have any clean underwear" George said

"I didn't need to know that Georgie" grace said as They all start packing up their bags. Joe looked to see grace who was also going and frowned

"You're leaving? No, no, no, you can't leave" joe said

"Sorry, gotta go tend to someone else's train wreck" Charlotte said

"You gotta at least stay for a cup of coffee. You're in no shape to cut people open. Plus" he said he gestures about the whole Derek situation

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