Chapter 19

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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[ With the help of Gladiia, we were able to secure a delegation to come speak with us on the USS New Essex ]
[ - [ ] Sergeant Smokton - ]

[ What happened in New York has the entire fucking America First Party up in arms. I can confidently say that the entire region is now a AFP stronghold. The NPP aren't sitting idly by either, many of them are claiming that this is America's punishment for overextending... ]

[ What we are more concerned about is the extent that the revelation of the Seaborne being on Planet Earth will bring for our survival as a species. We are planning to activate several contingencies - Particularly Contingency Neptune - and start calling upon all Americans to serve. The Selective Service Draft will begin its lottery tomorrow, with unanimous approval from Congress. ]

[ Marines, secure a damn good deal with Aegir and maybe we can have a chance at ensuring our world doesn't end up like Terra. ]
[ - [ ] Secretary of State - ]

[ With the help of Gladiia, we were able to secure a delegation to come speak with us on the USS New Essex ]
[ - [ ] Sergeant Smokton - ]

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"Dine with the fishes"

January 9th, 2056
November 10th, 1097

The sun shines down on the warship that was in the middle of the waters. Protected by her fleet, scanning with both lazy and manual weapons, No Seaborne dared to get close to the New Essex.

The warship was far into Terra's waters, near what looks like an Oil Rig, granted with an aesthetic very close to modern Atlantean. The sight of such a structure confused the Marines, but for Gladiia, it meant that it was time for her to drop into the water.

She was down there for a while now.

Soon, Gladiia re-appeared on the side of the USS Essex, where a small platform awaited for anybody who was in the water and swimming. There was a few figures behind her, coming up next to her. "I have brought them," Sergeant Smokton, who was on the platform, nodded and stood.

"Roger," she backed away from the edge, and allowed Gladiia and the 3 other people to climb up. Standing in as official position as possible, alongside whatever other officers were onboard the New Essex, she awaited, with Ulpianus too, for the delegation.

They were not what she was expecting at all. Dressed in uniforms similar to the Abyssal Hunters, yet with more of a political feel and design, they each carried traits of some of the strongest and best sea creatures on planet earth. Octopus, Sharks, and somebody vaguely has the features of the killer whale.

Smokton blinked looking at them, remembering vaguely what Gladiia told her about Aegir and it's politics.

"Unlike a majority of the land dwelling civilizations... our home civilization, Aegir, revolves more on the female population taking control and leadership."

"A matriarchy," repeated Smokton, getting a nod from the Swordfish.

"If that is the term for it, then yes, Aegir is a Matriarchy."

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