Chapter 66

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"Knight to Alpha 6"

"This is Sandman, we are moving into position with Ghost and our attached operators," the aforementioned Delta leader. They have managed to move furthest inland compared to Glasgow, but that was because this group was specifically focused on going after the Shard and a "special package."

Something that had W on the mission the second it was mentioned.

"Roger that, get a move on folks, you only have about 30 mikes until the Air is finally up and Artillery can begin levelling the Shard and the rest of the Financial district on your command, how copy?"

"Solid copy," Sandman turned to Frost and the rest, "You heard the brass, we gotta move it or we lose it."

Metal Team, Roach and Ghost from TF141, and W from Reunion were the ones now slinking throughout the streets, dodging enemies and silencing where they can. The enemy airships which once lay crowded around the Financial districts have vectored to spread out over the city.

Causing more casualties on the UN side and preventing any further advances towards the houses of Westhalag.

"Getting bloody close to the thing..." began Roach, pointing his gun at some dead Kazdellians before observing the building himself, "Bloody hell, looks like the damn thing back in London." W looked at him, swinging her explosives around.

"Frost, get a move up," began Sandman, who pointed at a structure near the Shard that had tons of Kazdellian markings around it. This was a possible target and it might be loaded with munitions.


Frost noticed that Roach and W got equally excited expressions as the former starts grabbing satchel charges, and the other starts picking out her homemade explosives. "What's the goal sir, we blow it up?"

Sandman gave a nod, but he also added, "We need to ensure that anything confidential in there is destroyed, so let's," he racked his gun, "breach and clear that sonovabitch before we let the fireworks blow."

"Understood sir," Roach anew took point as the rest of the group gradually moved to the door. Frost went up to the door, staying at the side, and looked over at Truck and Grinch who planted themselves on the other end.

With a nod, Frost turned and sent the door open with a mighty kick, and he sent a burst of bullets into the room.

Just barely being nailed by a caster and forcing himself to take cover, causing Grinch to send a few grenades into there and letting the angry, green pineapples do the job. Once they detonated, the casters inside were silenced, and the group was able to come in.

"Frost! Take Roach and W and go right, everybody else follow me or Ghost!" Once that order went up, Sandman and the group split, while the 2 operators began to follow Frost.

"Let's go, clear this building of anything confidential, and then we get the fuck out," Roach nodded in understanding as the group scanned the hallways, dropping anybody they see, while also conducting very brief, and swift clearings of rooms.

For them it was easy since these rooms were rather empty save for some very empty crates and the cots.

But they began to approach a room that was defended by a door that had a few guardians and Kazdellian soldiers standing at its sides.

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