Chapter 5

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Before we knew it we'd made it to the front of the line. I'd gotten a good look at the security personnel and have been paying attention to the presumed protocol  enough to hopefully lie my way through it.
Only I had no idea what Leon had planned with this id.
It had no photo but instead an empty space where that should have been. My name was Ren Williamson, age listed as 15 and sex male.
That wouldn't work, but before I could panic I noticed how thick the id was. I pulled it apart to find not one but two id's. Behind the fake one that must have been meant for Leon was one meant for me.
It had never occurred to me until now that he had planned for both of us to leave together.
The Id for me also lacked a photo. Name was Isabel Williamson, age 14, sex female, etc.
I wasn't quite sure what to make of this but I smiled since he did save my butt again.
"Passport and ID miss," A male officer dressed in purple addressed me.
I looked up to lock eyes with his were a dark brown as I handed him both.
I showed him my ticket.
He without the slightest smile inspected them.
He snorted, "no picture?"
Before I opened my mouth his gaze was back down reading the ID.
"14," he looked me up and down.
"Are you alone?"
His tone was neither friendly nor curious, matching his frown.
"My father is in Amerigo," I said.
"I'm meeting him."
"Okay," he did not wave me through to the metal detector.
"Your mother?"
"She's with my younger brother at home."
"Where's that?"
"In Novaleigh."
I named that one knowing it was large and gave no indication of a background of lower wealth yet not necessarily a higher one. Not to mention it was an hour further away from the castle.
"Humpth, what's your father do?"
"He's a civil servant," I may have been playing risky here.
"Oh yeah? What sort?"
I bet he thought he had me here as it ain't common knowledge.
"The details of a civil servant's work ought not be disclosed to anyone including myself. In short I don't know, but you should know better than to ask."
"You getting smart with me?"
"No sir."
"You best watch yourself young lady. No matter who your pa is, I'll still hound you for him."
I tried my best not to smile, "I understand sir."
"Good," he gave me back my papers, "now I'd never keep a kid from her father, you're good to go."
"Thank you," I bowed my head now in full grin and walked confidently past.
The metal detector went smoothly. I still got some curious looks from the staff who recognized my age but no one treated me like a princess. And it's all downhill from here.
First thing I did was check the time. 4:40 a.m. the sense of urgency had left me when talking with that family but now it returned full force. I picked up my pace and headed for the next intersection.
I had 24 min until the plane took off. And around here they close the gate five or more minutes early. 19? Or less.
I made a right hardly taking in any of my surroundings. I wonder, are they even looking for me past security?
The hallway began to open up with waiting areas and the first of the gates leading to planes. Half were closed and had a dozen or so people sitting while others who were open had no one sitting but had people in line.
My gate was number 16 so far I'd seen up to gate 3.
Time was truly ticking away on me. Whether i made it or not would be decided in 13 minutes.
Gate 5.
Am I on pace to make it?
12 minutes remained.
Gate 6. 7
I'm going to make it.
I glanced at the next tv screen hung on the ceiling ahead of me to check the time and just as I read 4:49 am; it went to static.
A second after the screen blanked, a news broadcast appeared with the right half of the screen taken up by a photo of me while the left showed a man holding a microphone.
I knew what this was.
Before the newsman could begin his broadcast I had taken off running. I know, if anyone was paying any attention that's extremely suspicious behavior. But I didn't have time to worry because if they didn't already this broadcast signaled they would close the border.
Gate 9.
"Coming to you live from the capital. We have just received. . ."
Gate 10.
". . .breaking news on Princess Nova Ann."
Gate 11.
"Princess Nova Ann daughter of King Michael the second and Queen Evelyn. . ."
Gate 12.
". . .has been reported missing. Any information regarding. . ."
Gate 13.
". . .Princess Nova Ann of Novaleigh is to be reported to the national guard or police immediately."
Gate 14. I must make it before this broadcast is over."
"Failure to report ANY information on a missing person is a crime which is punishable by death depending on the will of the kingdom."
Gate 15. Just one more. . .
"Until Princess Nova Ann is returned safely to the king and queen. . ."
"King Michael the 2nd. . ."
Gate 16. I ran to the man at the desk and handed him my ticket.
"Has declared that. . ."
He smiled and with a slight nod he signaled for me to enter.
"The border is closed."
I stepped onto the plane and a flight attendant pulled the door closed behind me.
"effective immediately," the last two words we received over the plane intercom.
I let out my breath.
The flight attendant that had closed the gate ran to make the final preparations for takeoff.
I quickly made my way to the seat listed on my ticket. I passed many people who wore frightened looks as they fidgeted anxiously.
Before I had even found my seat the plane began to move. Finally, I found the matching seat, so I slid my backpack off tucking it away and sat down, not wasting any time on the seatbelt.
We were now on the runway and picking up speed fast as I could tell from the small window.
The people around me seemed to have relaxed a little; I too felt their relief to be getting out of here. But, I've ignored the part of me that knows I'm not out of the woods yet.
"Miss, I let my son sit in your seat but not that your here we can trade back," I looked to the man on my right. I'd taken the only open seat in this row without thinking.
"Uhh, it's fine if he wants to stay there I don't mind," I replied, noticing the young boy's joy at whatever sights he could see below.
"Thank you," he said.
I made eye contact with the man and smiled in a friendly way.
As my body began to relax for a moment my hunger returned. I opened my backpack and pulled out the only sandwich I packed. As I began to enjoy it, the plane intercom began to project a voice.
"Good morning passengers of Novaleigh airlines, this is your captain speaking. Now that we are in the air I would like to apologize for our premature departure. As I'm sure you heard the news about the Princess, our hearts stand with her; Unfortunately, with the current situation we will not be able to deliver any return flights."
I'd seen the look of devastation the passengers showed when the captain spoke of me. My stomach was in a twist as I remembered that it wasn't just the people in our castle that would be affected by my absence but the entire kingdom. I left them without an heir.
No longer did I feel in control of my choice. My whole body wanted to turn and go back. The borders closed. I can't return. . . Just tell them who you are. They'll get you back. But they think I've been kidnapped. What happens to me when everyone finds out I'm not. My life would surely be over. But if I keep going, who knows what I could make of myself in Amerigo. And then I'd watch my kingdom fall apart from afar. It will be all my fault.

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