Chapter 4

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Dean woke up to the sound of rain hitting the small window in his room. So much for summer, he thought to himself, sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He sat there for a while, really trying to take in the fact that he was back in the presence of the people who he'd been ignoring for seven years. It was odd, but he felt strangely comfortable in the situation, as if the last seven years had never happened. He couldn't believe that he'd gotten away with ignoring everyone, and was able to make it out with only a couple punches. Everything seemed to be going really well... apart from the fact that Cas seemed extremely distant. Dean knew he should be glad that there were no arguments, but the way Cas was acting was just all so wrong. It seemed as though Cas was trying to ignore him, which was understandable; maybe that was just what he needed. Or maybe Dean had only messed everything up by coming back...

He thought back to his conversation with Sam the night before. Sam was clever, of course he already guessed that there was something going on between him and Cas. Dean knew for a fact that if not already, the girls were going to figure it out soon as well. He was also slightly surprised that Cas hadn't told anyone. He pushed the bed covers off his body, climbed out of the warmth and stood in the middle of the room, feeling the brisk air nip at his skin. He peered out the window; all he could see were trees. Many, many trees, all being pelted by harsh, heavy rain. Just looking at it made Dean feel cold. He looked around the room and found a towel folded neatly on the chest of drawers. Throwing it over his shoulder, he ventured out into the chilly hallway, scanning for the bathroom. Which door was the bathroom. There were six closed doors upstairs. He knew which one was Cas', but he wasn't sure about the others. He'd have to make a blind guess. He stepped forward and opened the door opposite his room and was met with an old broom and other cleaning facilities. Not this one then, he sighed to himself. Just as he was about to close the door, another door in the hallway opened and out stepped Cas, a towel wrapped around his waist, his chest bare. Steam billowed out with him, and Dean's cheeks instantly heated at the sight of Cas standing before him... in only a towel.

So there was the bathroom.

Their eyes met and Cas froze on the spot. He frowned, looking from Dean to the open cupboard, back to Dean. "What are you doing?" He questioned.

Dean closed the door slowly. "I was looking for the bathroom." It was taking everything he had to not look any lower than Cas' eyes, and Cas must have been able to see this struggle in Dean's face as the tiniest of smiles pulled at his plump lips.

That bastard.

Cas moved away from the bathroom and opened the door to his own room, sliding in with grace and shutting himself in without looking back. Once again Dean felt his knees go weak. He hurried into the bathroom and locked himself in before he let himself take a deep breath.

What the hell was that? And that little smirk on Cas' face... man, Dean hadn't seen a look on Cas' face like that since... well, anyway.

Dean crossed his hands over his chest and was about to pull his shirt off over his head when he heard knocking at the door. Did Cas forget something? Dean looked around himself, but couldn't seem to find anything that Cas could have possibly forgotten. He opened the door, but there was no one there. He looked down the hallway but nope, nada, nothing. Dean frowned, but didn't think too much of it, headed back into the bathroom and carried on with his shower. He put it down to tiredness, his mind merely playing tricks on him. He'd been struggling a lot recently with deadlines and trying to keep his and Lisa's love life interesting and trying not to think about that one night...

When he finished his shower, he went back to his room and quickly got changed before heading downstairs. As he descended, he saw that everyone had made it there before him, sitting around and eating cereal whilst chatting. Jess was the first to notice Dean and she smiled at him. "Morning." She said with a beautiful smile.

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