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It's been 6 weeks since we all came back from Paris and i haven't spoke or seen Abel much. The last time we seen each other was about 4 weeks ago when i went over to drop off a few things. He's been working on his new album nonstop and according to him he doesn't have time for anything else right now. Being apart from him for this long has been hurting me so bad but he won't even answer my calls to talk to me, Mia has been over to his house a lot to see Hawk but she always tells me Abel's never there. The way he's treating me makes me feel so unwanted so for the past month and a half i've been drinking and doing drugs 24-7, i haven't slept with anyone else yet but tonight when i go to the club alone i plan to.

I put on a skin tight black dress and a pair of heels and drove about 2 hours away to get to this club. Apparently it's exclusive and only certain people could get in, luckily since i know Abel they let me on the list. Pulling up i parked on the other side of the road and walked up to the giant white, fully glass, house.

"Valerie" I said to the bouncer

He nodded his head and moved to the side letting me through. Walking through the door i drew the attention of a lot of men but none of them were the ones i wanted. I sat at the bar and spun my chair around to face the stage they had set up, apparently there was going to be a guest singer but no one knew who it was.

"can i have a Manhattan please with 4 cherries instead of 2"

"yes ma'am"

I watched him make my drink then i grabbed it and started to eat some of the cherries. Spinning back around to face the stage i seen people start crowding around it so i got up and went to the front row. Once 30+ people came around they dimmed the lights and the performer came out. I looked him up and down and noticed a OVO chain around his neck with a denim jacket on. As he came on stage i looked at him while eating my cherry and we made eye contact, he shot me a wink and grabbed the mic. His crew stood towards the back of the stage with random girls while he was singing, i had no clue who he was but his music was so familiar. After a while i started to look around and noticed everyone was dancing on each other and i was standing there alone.

After he was done singing they started playing other rap music so everyone was still dancing and drinking. Finishing my drink i set the glass down on the floor and walked to the bar to get another Manhattan. While i was sitting there i felt someone come up from behind me, looking over my shoulder, it was the guy from the stage, he smiled and sat down next to me.

"hey, i saw you in the crowd you're fine as hell"

"thank you" I said giggling

"what's your name?"

"Valerie, what's yours?"

"my actual name is Aubrey but my stage name is Drake"

THATS WHO HE WAS! I knew i heard his music from somewhere, Abel plays his music sometimes in the car.

"well its nice to meet you Aubrey"


"you're here alone?"


"yeah sadly, it's kind of complicated"


"here follow me"


I got up and walked through the dance floor and went into the bathroom with him. Looking at him confused he pulled out a bag with white powered and put some on his finger.

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