Spencer AU

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I had two hours to get this script down. Filming started in 3 but I needed time for hair and makeup still. I cursed at myself for forgetting what day was shoot. Apparently it's not tomorrow, that's for sure.

I was reading lines out loud and pacing behind set. Clearly it was noticeable because my acting partner was rushing over. Throughout the series our characters have been having tension building up and this was the scene. This was where it all goes down, so that didn't help with the whole TWO hours I had to learn it.

Spencer grabbed my shoulders and looked at me.

"You didn't read it last night did you?" He questioned.

I shook my head close to tears.

"Let's run through some of the lines, most of it has to do with them getting close. So you can just follow my lead when we get to that. Alright?" He said calmly.

"Alright. But we've got to hurry, go get your script."

We spent the next hour and a half running lines together and I was starting to get most of it off script. The scene had us close anyways so it only seemed natural that he'd be the one helping me.

(Season 1 Episode 13 Scene 5:
They heard a snap around the makeshift camp. He grabber her arm and with the other hand his knife. He wasn't taking chances after agents had found them last time and almost took her away. They were divided from the others right now so he was even more on edge. An arrow show from the canopy of trees above them. He pulled her arm and they were up and running.

In an ideal situation they would've all been together but they're human, they did need to hunt for their food. The two were tasked with taking care of the camp while they left over night. Well before the sun even set that day here they were running. She was faster than him, so the arm he grabbed ended up dragging him along. She had the genetics for the hunt and the run, he on the other hand was built to fight and survive.

He pushed ahead and threw them into a small riven they knew from previous exploring. From what they heard the attackers had kept running by. The two looked at each other trying to catch their breaths.

"We should head to the cave on the other side." She suggested in something almost below a whisper.

"I agree, they won't be going much further when they realize there's no sign of running." He said, looking up to see if there was anyone left. "Let's go."

With their bodies close to the ground they made their way. They moved swiftly and quietly. The cave was no more than a few minutes walk. When they arrived she pushed through the small waterfall followed by him. Hugging the wall and leaning in to check. It seemed abandoned.

"It's clear." She said.

"I don't see us going anywhere for the night. Let's start working on a fire." He suggested.

"Not with them that close by, we shouldn't take any chances with them running around. I just wish we had a way to warn the others." She said sorrowful.

"They'll realize when the fires out and we're gone. They're more of the brains to our brawn." He joked.

A rare instance where the two laughed. Normally they butted heads quite a bit.

"I knew we shouldn't have stayed. One of us should've been with. I hope they don't run into anyone." She said.

"First sign of trouble they'll find safety. We've been here before remember." He told her.

"I know. Just sick of the fleeing and fighting, y'know?"

"Of course." He answered.

The two were sitting on opposite sides of the small cave. No more then 6ft total across. She pulled her legs into her chest starting to feel the cold of her wet clothes. He noticed this.

"Come here." He said.


"You're shivering come next to me you'll be warmer." He offered.

"Yeahhh and what are the strings attached" She chuckled.

"Fine just thought you might want to be warm." He shrugged.

They sat in silence for a long while. The sun had set some time ago. It was getting colder without the light. She stopped tossing around pebbles and switched to the other side of the cave. At first they just sat near each other. She slowly moved closer.

"No strings." He joked with her.

"Shut up. I'm only next to you to get warmer and I'm sure you feel the same." She scolded.

"Well I might feel a little different about it but whatever you need to tell yourself." He added.

"Do I even want to know what that means." She asked.

He didn't say anything, just placed his arm around her and pulled her closer. She gasped a little, it had been a long time since they were close like this. Back when they were in testing and she would sneak them extra rations. Perks of being a trusted subject and worked, access to the pantry.

She laid her head on his shoulder.

"My favorite was when we threw the lab chairs in the trash compactor." He laughed.

They both started to laugh together.

"They were so confused, I still can't believe they didn't figure out it was us. Poor Lacey had to put together all the new ones." She laughed harder.

As they remember more and more they get a little closer. Until they're eyes meet as they face each other.

"It's been a while." He whispered.

"Then make up for lost time." She said back.

There was a pause when the two were just breaths apart. He pulled her in again, reuniting what they had long forgot about. The kiss had gotten heavier and body head wasn't a problem anymore. She pushed him down onto the ground. Being on top of him and each of them pulling at the others clothing.

"Cut!" Director called.

When we finished I was glad for our short rehearsal for our nearly 20 minute scene together. I was smiling so hard and Spencer grabbed me in his arms and spun me around.

"Now that's the costar I know. You're so talented, we nailed that." He smiled.

I did feel ready for everything which I don't think I could've done without Spencer there for me. Over the past year we'd made such a great connection. I feel like he's one of the few people in the industry I can confide in.

I was still in his arms when he put me down. I was laughing with him. Part of me wished the scene never ended.

"Let's get dinner tonight. On me of course, gotta reward the talent." He winked at me.

Gave this kinda The 100 vibe. Didn't proof read this so lmk the mistakes lol. Pop me some requests if you want to. Wrote this on a plane to Minneapolis lol.

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