Settling Down

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I hummed as I watered my parsnips, practically beaming at the sight of the new sprouts. They were a vibrant green that contrasted the damp dirt beside them. Standing up I wiped my forehead and turned putting my watering can away I grabbed my axe and cleaned up any small logs laying about. Hearing footsteps I turned, was that... Marnie? She spotted me and waved, waving back I headed over "Hey Marnie! How can I help you?" I asked with a warm smile.

She smiled "Well I was going to head to the store when I heard meowing. I found this small kitten in the bushes beside your farm! He seems to like it here... would you like to keep him?" She asked. The kitten looked up at me, he had adorable green eyes, white paws with some grey toes, his chest and belly were white along with his muzzle. I practically melted "Oh.. of course I will!" Taking the kitten from her he purred and rubbed against me. I looked up as she smiled.

"Well I'll leave you two to it. Have a good day dear!" She turned and left me calling my goodbye to her. "What to name you huh?" I asked walking into my house, he let out a small meow. "What about... Stormy hm? I think that's cute" I set him on my bed and he attacked some of my blankets. Chuckling I noted to go get some cat food, treats, a bed for him and a few toys. Getting up I headed back outside. Deciding to head up to where Robin said she lived.

Coming across her house I opened the door. Robin stood up from behind her counter, sawdust on her cheeks. "Oh! Savannah! Hello!" She smiled I laughed. "Morning Robin" she brushed herself off. "How are you?" She asked. "I'm great, I'm growing some parsnips at the moment" she grinned at this "Really? Look at you go, a farmer already" I laughed at this and nodded. Hearing footsteps I watched as a tall man walked out of the lab looking room. "Oh hello" he hummed.

"Hi, I'm Savannah the new farmer" I smiled at him, he nodded. "I'm Demetrius, Robin's husband and Marus father. Have you met her yet? She seemed excited to meet you" I blinked in surprise but shook my head. "No, but I'll keep that in mind" I hummed. Robin smiled "Well did you need anything or just saying hi?" I nodded at the second part. "Just wanted to say hi, have a good day you two!" I left smiling. As I walked along I saw an old man by the water.

After meeting him he let me know he was someone who stayed in the tent up above, and he asked me not to destroy his tent. Poor guy.. he seemed sweet Linus was his name. After leaving him I saw a small bridge over the gap to a cave. Walking over it and into the cave I looked around curiously. I noticed a man standing by a shaft peering into it. "...Hello..?" I asked slowly. He looked up, he had an eye patch and a intimidating but responsible Aura to him. "Hello there"

"I'm Savannah" I introduced myself. "Yes, the new farmer. Marlon" he introduced himself. I nodded and walked over, seeing my curious glint he chuckled "These are the Mines. Monsters lurk in there, but there's precious ores, gems and materials." I looked up at this. "Here" giving me a rusty sword he nodded. "I'm the leader of the adventurers guild just to the left of these Mines. Slay 5 slimes and you can join" I held the sword and looked at the mine shaft.

"...Alright sure" I nodded. He smiled "Good luck kid" walking out and peered down the shaft. After contemplating my life decisions I descended into the shaft. Looking around the dim lit cavern I walked around before hearing a squelching noise. Jumping a bit I looked over, a green ball of goo bouncing out from hiding, gripping my sword I slashed when it jumped cutting some goo off. I stepped aside as it lept again. And I swung hearing a squelch. "Ew.." I muttered picking up the goop it left behind. Might be useful eventually.


I winced at my sore bones as I stepped out of the elevator. I got down to level 10 finding a pair of nice leather boots in a chest. Fixing my messed up braid I headed out. Rummaging in my satchel to look at my finds having found some copper ore, earth crystals and quartz. As I started to make my way home I grunted as I smacked into something. Falling onto my back I groaned in pain at my sore muscles that also made me known that hurt.

Sitting up slowly I noticed that the thing I smacked into was actually a someone. Eyes widening I watched as Sebastian sat up with a grunt of his own a now disheveled cigarette beside him. We made eye contact for a few moments before we both spoke "Sorry". We proceeded to look at eachother for another moment before I laughed at our in sync conversation. He shook his head gently seeming a bit amused as we both got up. I reached down and gathered the stone and things that fell from my satchel.

I looked up realizing he was helping me "Sorry again-" I laughed nervously. He shrugged as he hesitated, picking a piece of quartz I found I watched as he stood up fully gazing at it. Tilting it the moon caught the clear crystals shining against his face. Noticing me staring he looked up "Sorry." He offered the stone to me and I smiled "Thanks" I put them in my satchel as he inspected the quartz.

"Where did... you get this?" He asked his voice cold and distant but I heard interest. "Oh, I went into the mines for a bit and found it" I responded. "You went into the mines?" He asked a bit surprised though it left his blunt tone quickly. "Yeah! You uh... you know I found quite a bit of quartz if you want to keep that piece" I offered smiling seeing how he stared at it. "Really?" He glanced up. "Yeah! Of course, uh I have to get home but. Have a good night Sebastian" I smiled. I could have sworn I saw a slight ghost of a smile on his lips. "You too." He hummed as he turned back to the lake.

Smiling I left the boy alone heading back home. Sebastian was one of the people I found most interesting here. He was cold and distant even a bit snappish now and then. He seemed to have a soft spot for Sam but hey. Maybe I could become his friend too? I got home and grabbed some wood I gathered up and made another chest. Dumping the mining stuff I got in there. Noticing the red thing on my mailbox up I walked to it and pulled out a note.

"Hey! It's Sam, Seb, Abby and I were going to sneak out to Cindersap Forest tomorrow night and go swimming/exploring probably. You should totally join! Hope to see you there :)"

I smiled and walked inside, I hummed it could be fun. Deciding to go I changed and brushed my teeth. I went to my bed and laid down achy and sore from all the beatings I went through from the slime and stretched. I smiled when I felt something jump onto the bed. Stormy padded over and rubbed against me laying beside me purring. Petting him I shut my eyes letting my exhaustion take me. Excited for the hangout tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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