Chapter 13 | Restless

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I'm angsting the clock man and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

Also uh- sorry for not updating in like-

*checks time of last update*

Hhhhhhhaaalf a year-

That's almost as long as Elan's hiatus, Christ on a bike I'm so sorry-


[Time's POV]

Okay. Sabre's stable, Professor Red made sure of it.

After that anxiety rollercoaster, I stayed at the lab a little while longer so I knew Sabre was okay and everything was under control, then... back to work. I'm the only one that can access this kind of stuff, and even if it may drain me a bit I need to figure out at least something that could help clear up this whole fiasco.

The Interdimensional TV is a huge help, that and my own power. It's not that lonely staying in my dimension for so long again, as I have Leaf with me... what a good dog. Well, usually. He's been a troublemaker recently.

Speaking of, he nudges my leg holding a stick while I sit at my desk, writing down possible dates for when Sabre could have gotten infected. He isn't careful at all with what he's around and doesn't pay much attention (no offense to him of course), so maybe it was sometime in an environment that was crowded where whoever this dipwad is released the virus on him.

I sigh, and place the quill down for a second as I pet Leaf.

"Sorry little buddy, not now. I need to figure this out." I say, scritching the little spot behind Leaf's ear.

Leaf whines, drops the stick, then steps forward and rests his head on my lap.

"Come on, Leaf. I'm sorry I can't play with you, but I'm busy." I sigh. "We can play later, okay?"

Leaf looks up at me with a look that I can only describe as indignant. He whines for a second, then lifts his head up and sits down in front of my chair.

"Believe me, I want to take a break, but nobody knows how long Sabre has left before this virus kills him." I say, sighing.

I pause for a second.

"I really do need a break, I'm talking to a dog..." I mumble, turning back to the desk, and move a couple books over to the side so I have a little more space to put all of these lists of crossed-out days... I've been at this for a while. Checking one of the many clocks around me, I see I've been at this for hours straight now. It's evening already...

Leaf suddenly barks, and grabs onto the edge of my coat, pulling. I quickly get up and try to make him let go, being careful not to rip the fabric.

"Leaf-! Let go, this is my favorite coat-" I say. "Drop it, Leaf! Down!"

Leaf finally lets go after a minute of tug-of-war, and as I start to clean the dog drool now on my coat I realize why he's suddenly been so mischievous these past few days.

"Leaf, I'm sorry I haven't been giving you as much attention as I used to, but this is serious." I tell the pouting dog. "We could lose Sabre for good if this situation with whoever caused it isn't resolved. If only I knew how much time he had left..."

I'm about to go back to my desk, when I stop in my tracks.

"Wait, how much time he..." I say quietly, some dots finally connecting.

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