"Girve me a croisotn" y/n says
'"ok" the ugry MAN cafe guy srays
y/n sits do3wn at atable and waits for croisojnt
"CAn I seit heare????????" A HOt Sresxy WOMAN says
"AWOOGA YA YoU CAn HOttie!!!" y/n saes
"thrank you" thre WOMAN says
"WHats youytr name babay grill?" y/n says
"My nrwane isw WOMAN" WOMAN sysa
"thats a ho6t name"
WOMAN Blusheds "ehehe thanks you"
Youe EAt a cocrisont aND shERa wiTh WOMAN then gor hiome
BUtg beefore you cane lewaf WOMAN interuppts you