"let's break up. "(Steven x reader)

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(In this one Steven is 16  and so are you)
(Name) had met Steven 2 months after he and his previous girlfriend Connie had broken up. Steven had explained to (name) about what lead to their break up. (Name) didn't blame Connie for declining his proposal, Connie was right,they were far too young to get married. But that wasn't really the reason why they broke up. Connie told Steven that she wasn't ready for something too serious and that she didn't see a long distance relationship working for her seeing as how she will be going to college.

(Name) and Steven began as friends and from friends to best friends , from best friends to being a couple. (Name) liked the fact that they were dating Steven. He was a really kind and caring person. But these past few days (name) began to feel like the spark that they had with Steven was fading. Steven had became distant from them. Anytime (name) tried to make some plans for the both of them and spend time with him he would always push them away. Saying that he had paper work to file or some other excuses. There was even a time where (name) wanted to play a board game that they used to play together but Steven yelled at them saying that he didn't have time for their stupid board games and that they should grow up.

(Name) felt like they had reached their limit with trying to be a good partner to Steven. They felt like they were about to puke. And with that said (name) had decided to break up with Steven. If he wasn't going to try to make their relationship work then there was no point in (name) trying. Garnet and the other crystal gems knew about the current situation of (name) and Steven's relationship. Garnet didn't blame (name) for deciding to break up with Steven. She also told (name) that it was okay to feel the need to leave a relationship if they weren't feeling like it was working out. And with that (name) had already decided on when they were going to break up with Steven.

It was morning and Steven was ready to go to little home world. (Name) was sitting on the couch and the other crystal gems were over at the kitchen. They wanted to see how this was gonna go down.

"Please sit down Steven. " (name) said right when Steven was about to reach the door. "I don't have time today (name) . " Steven said not looking at their direction. "If I were you I would sit down. " Garnet said in a monotonous  voice. Steven looked at Garnet and then back at (name). He sighed and went to sit on a chair that was in front of (name). They were now face to face.

"Okay, what is it? " Steven said looking annoyed. "I'm breaking up with you. " (name) said looking at Steven straight in the eyes with a small smile on their face. "WHAT?!!" Steven asked as he stood up. "Are you deaf? I said that I'm breaking up with you. " (name) said with a serious face. Amethyst began to giggle. "Amethyst, no. " Garnet said. Amethyst stopped giggling and her attention went back to (name) and Steven.

"But why? " Steven asked as his eyes began to fill up with tears. "Why? You are seriously asking me why. " (name) said standing up. "It's because you are always avoiding me, you never want to spend time with me, every time I try to talk to you,you are always telling me that you don't have time for my foolishness. " (name) said sounding enraged. "No, the reason why I had been avoiding you was because I didn't know how to tell you. " Steven said as his voice began to break. "Tell me what? " (name) asked. "(Name) I wanted to propose. " Steven said as tears were  falling from his eyes. "Bullshit." (Name) thought to themself . (Name) didn't believe him because Garnet had shown them that their relationship with Steven was going to end either way.

"Propose? Well then Steven Universe you can take that proposal of yours and shove it up your ass. " (name) said as they punched Steven directly in his face. Amethyst's eyes went wide when they heard what (name) had said. Pearl covered her mouth with both her hands. And Garnet didn't react because she had already seen this coming. But she still felt a stinging pain because of what (name) had said.

After that show down (name) stood up from the couch, they looked over at the gems and waved them goodbye with a warm smile on their face. They then looked down at Steven with disgust and hate , they then clicked their tongue as they walked out of the house heading to their own home to pack up their stuff for college.

"I blew it. " Steven said while looking down at the floor with tears streaming down his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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