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Cole glanced his head up from his game when he hears the doors of the monastery slam, and someone marching their way past the gaming room down the hall. He puts his controller down and peaked his head out to see Kai's door slam shut and Nya running towards it.

Oh no, that can't be good.

Earlier today, Kai had told everyone he was going out to meet Skylor, his girlfriend (which broke Coles heart, but he had learned to live with it.) to have a "talk". In most teenage relationships, that was a code word for a break up, but Kai seemed positive it wasn't. His reaction to coming home though certainly posed a different narrative.

'Kai please, just let me in and talk to me.' Nya pleaded, the worry noticeable in her voice.

'Go away Nya!' Cole heard Kai shout back from behind the closed door. He carefully made his way over, cautious if he even should.

'Is he okay?' Cole asked Nya quietly, as she turned her towards the taller boy.

'I don't know, he just got home and stormed through the monastery and refused to talk to anyone.' She paused and bit her lip. 'Dare i say it, but I think Him and Skylor might've broken up.' She turned her gaze back to the door. Cole sighed, upset for his best friend. No matter his feelings for Kai, which were very strong- He also respected his and Skylors relationship, and the last thing he wanted to see was a dumped Kai moping around. Cole knew the brunet had genuine feelings for Skylor, but it had seemed from the outside that their relationship was just not working. Cole knocked on Kai's door softly, to which he heard a sniff and a muffled 'who is it'.

'It's Cole, can i come in?' He asks gently. Theres a long pause, Nya and Cole waiting hopefully for his answer.

'Fine.' Kai grumbles from the other side, not saying anything else. Cole shrugs at Nya before opening the door to Kai's room and quickly shutting it behind him. He turned around to see Kai sitting on his bed, with his knees brought up to his chest and his head buried on top. He noticed his body shaking slightly.

'Kai, what happened?' Cole's heart ached for the boy opposite him, quickly making his way to sit in-front of him on the red-covered bed. Cole heard a hiccup escape Kai's mouth before he lifted his head to reveal a puffy-eyed, swollen-lipped, quivering face. Coles heart once again ached, and he absent-mindedly placed a hand onto Kai's knee. He immediately wanted to pull back, but he didn't. Kai wiped his nose before speaking.

'Skylor broke up with me.' He said bluntly, his gaze fixated on his blankets. Cole softened, unsure of what to say.

'Why?' He spoke softly, careful not to overstep. Kai finally looked into Cole's dark brown eyes, his amber ones glistening with tears. Kai wasn't usually one to cry, and if he did, it just meant whatever happened really hurt him.

'She said that our lives just don't fit each other, which is bullshit, and said she just doesn't see us working.' He paused to cough, and then his eyebrows furrowed. 'I feel like such a pussy. Why am i even crying?' Kai asked himself. Cole gave him a half smile.

'Because you loved her. It just clearly wasn't meant to be.' He spoke to Kai gently. He noticed how his care for his other team mates were much different to his care for Kai. Cole wanted Kai to feel safe, happy and secure - he wanted that for his friends as well- but with Kai it was on a much deeper level. Probably because he had raging feelings for the red ninja, which he apparently made obvious to everyone BUT Kai.

'Yeah, I guess.' Kai muttered back, his reply sounding uncertain. Cole raised an eyebrow, keeping eye contact with Kai.

'Did you or do you love her, Kai?' Cole asked straight up, avoiding bouncing around the question. Kai paused and stared at Cole, thinking about his answer.

'No. No, I didn't, now that i really think about it. Don't get me wrong, i really like her. Really like her. She's gorgeous and kind and fiesty but I do have some level of understanding that we wouldn't work, even though we could've if we tried.' He responded, laying one of his legs out behind Cole. Kai's words didn't hurt Cole as much as he thought they would, he wasn't jealous of them, he was more jealous that Kai wasn't with him and acknowledging his feelings. But Cole had to put his problems aside, this was not a time to be selfish. Plus, Cole was certain Kai was straight so he barely even had a chance.

'In time it'll get better, just try to get through it as the days go by. I'll be here anytime you need.' Cole flashed a smile at Kai, and he returned it.

'You alway know what to say. Thank you, though. I don't know what I'd do without you.' Kai unexpectedly brought Cole into a hug, and Cole wasted no time in basking in it. He wrapped his arms strongly around Kai's back, his head resting on top of the brunet's hair. Kai felt oddly safe, like he was being protected, and it felt nice. They reluctantly let go and Cole shot Kai a grin, standing up suddenly from the bed.

'Wanna come play Prime Empire with me? It might cheer you up, unless i beat you of course.' Cole smirked, and Kai raised his eyebrow.

'In your dreams, Rocky!' Kai said as he shot up and ran past him towards the gaming room. Cole chuckled to himself, admiring the new nickname Kai just gave him as he went after him.


As Cole and Kai continued to play their game, the rest of the team slowly started joining in to watch, one by one. Nya was shocked that Skylor had broken up with him, infact everyone was. Jay of course had to join, but rage-quit when he died on the 10th level. Cole didn't mind the company, he just liked having one-on-one time with Kai. He never got that when Skylor and him were dating, so it was strange to not have her cuddling up against him while they played video games. Cole hated to admit it, but he liked it. It was nice to hang out with Kai all by himself (with the others joining, of course.)

'So how are you feeling Kai?' Jay asked cautiously. Everyone turned their heads toward the feisty boy, who put down his controller and lied back on the couch.

'I feel fine for now. Thanks for cheering me up guys, i appreciate it. Especially you.' Kai nudged Cole in the side with his elbow, saying the last part of his sentence as a whisper. Kai's body was so close to Coles, he could feel Kai's body heat radiating around him. He gave Kai a lopsided grin.

'Anything for you, hair-gel.' Cole replied to him, and Kai chuckled at the nickname. He turned his attention back to his friends, telling them he was going to be OK, because Cole had convinced him so and Kai appreciated that so much. His team mates were all giving him sympathetic smiles, a few told Kai they were sorry but Cole could only focus on the fact that Kai's knee was now touching his. The simplest, most smallest gesture made Coles insides burst with heat to the point he zoned out from trying to concentrate.

'Earth to Cole?' Jay huffed, waving his hand in-front of his best friends face. Cole who was suddenly snapped out of his trance, tilted his head up to look at Jay.

'Sorry, what did you say?' He asked, his letters jumbling out of his mouth. Jay took a step back and placed his hand on his hip.

'We were thinking of going out and getting ice-cream together for Kai. Do you wanna come?'

'Yeah..yeah of course. Sorry.' He muttered, and went to stand up and follow Jay out of the room. He hadn't noticed Kai was still there until he pulled Coles arm towards him. Cole ended up side-by-side with Kai, the fire ninjas eyes crinkled in concern.

'You okay? You zoned out for quite a while there.' He asked Cole, keeping his hand on his arm. Cole simply nodded his head, but he broke away from Kais embrace and walked out the door. Kai was left confused on why suddenly Cole had blocked him out. He came back not even a second later, not being able to ignore Kai. He didn't even know why he did it in the first place, perhaps his brain was so used to trying to get Kai's attention that he doesn't even realise he does it.

'I'm sorry, i must have lost myself for a sec there.' He paused, and Kai silently sighed with relief, still a little puzzled on the black ninjas behaviour. 'You coming?' He nodded his head the other way, while Kai made his way over.

'Duh.' He said as he bumped shoulders with the slightly-taller boy.


first chapter !!!! lowkey hope this does well and this is my first lava fic ive ever written so its not gonna be the best but i hope you enjoyed and ill hopefully update soon

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