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im not sure what season i want to base this fic off, i was thinking either crystalized or prime empire? (as you can tell i don't really have a full fledged plan for this story but i do have parts of it set) 

also i'm listening to cinnamon girl as i write this and UGH THE THINGS THAT SONG DOES TO ME 

anyways enjoy 


It was the sunniest day the ninja had seen in a while, and Nya was taking no time in wasting that.  She walked outside the monastery to where most of the ninja were sitting on the steps, eating their breakfast in the sunshine. Cole, Zane, Jay and Lloyd noticed her, smiling.

'Morning my girl.' Jay smiled, as Nya came and sat herself next to her boyfriend. She smiled and kissed his cheek, taking a bite of some of his cereal. 

'Where is my brother?' She asked, and everyone shrugged. 

'Think he's still sleeping. We stayed up pretty late last night.' Cole responded, finishing off his toast. His blush was evident on his face, but went unnoticed by everyone except for Nya. 

'What were you two doing?' Nya asks Cole assertively, raising her eyebrow. 

'We- we just watched a few movies and lost track of time I guess.' Cole fumbles his words, averting Nya's death stare. Jay nudges her shoulder softly.

'Just leave it. They're friends.' He whispers to her. Jay lied. Well, on Coles part. Jay is the only one here who knows about Coles feelings for Kai. He's been aware of them since Cole told him he was gay, and trust him, Jay found it EXTREMELY difficult to keep one secret, let alone two secrets, but he's learned to control himself over the years. There's a few times where Jay almost accidentally slipped, but Cole covered it up pretty well. 

Nya huffed. She's been quite suspicious of Cole, even when Kai was dating Skylor. (Its been two weeks since Kai and Skylor broke up). But now its becoming increasingly obvious over the weeks. 

'Morning guys.' Kai mutters, as stretches his body. He glances at Cole and grins, sitting next to him. Cole's blush returns while Kai turns his attention to his other friends. 

'Now that everyone is here, i was thinking we should go out today?' Nya suggests.

'Where?' Lloyd asks, leaning against the rock wall behind him.

'I don't know, i just think we should go out to the city instead of staying inside and playing video games all day. Its getting boring.' 

'I'm down.' Cole replies.

'I'm down if Coles down.' Kai says, not even giving his response a second thought, whereas Cole rethinks the whole thing. Kai only wants to go if he goes. Cole could get used to this attention.

'I think thats a wonderful idea, after you finish todays training.' Wu suddenly appears behind them, smiling slightly. The ninja groan, slowly standing up. 

'So, city after training?' Nya asks again. Everyone agrees as they make their way back into the monastery. 


'Alright, I think thats enough for today. Well done ninja.' Wu concludes the training session. Cole wipes his forehead with the back of his arm and fist bumps Zane with the other. 

'Well done my friend, you gave me quite the challenge.' Zane says to Cole, who chuckles. 

'Thanks tin-can. Didn't do to bad yourself.' 

'Alright, so we leave in 20?' Nya says as she turns around to face everyone. 

'Yeah, sounds good to me. I need to shower. Meet out here?' Kai asks. 

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