Can I?

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 'Oi, Cole! Wake up you're late for training!' Jay yelled as he banged on the black ninjas door. The ninja had all gotten up and ready for training when the noticed they were missing two. Jay went to go wake up Cole and Nya went to go wake up her brother, but to her dismay, she couldn't find him anywhere. His bed was empty, the door to the toilet and shower were both open indicaTing he wasn't in there, and he wasn't in any other rooms. Nya suddenly put two and two together, and stormed down the hall to were Jay was outside Cole bedroom.

'He's not answering-'

'Just open the damn door!' she huffed, pushing in-front of her boyfriend. Jay looked at her, puzzled. 

'Nya we can't- thats rude.' He spoke calmly, grabbing her arm gently. Nya turned around to face him, annoyed.

'Jay, my brother is not in his room, he's not in the gaming room, he's not in the shower or toilet, he's not in the kitchen and he's not in the courtyard! Where does that leave him?' Nya placed her hands on her hips, an angry expression on her face. Jay looked at her, clueless to what she was getting at. Nya scoffed and threw her hands to point at Coles door. 'He's in there!' She whisper-shouted. Jays eyes widen, looking towards Coles door. He suddenly thinks about the secret he knows about, and struggles to keep it in until the water ninja speaks up again. 

'I don't care what you say I'm going in there!' She tells Jay as she pushes open the door. She is met with Cole and Kai sprawled across Coles black sheets, sleeping soundly. Coles arm is placed over Kais torso, and one of Kai's arm is placed behind the earth ninjas neck. Their heads are dangerously close, too much for Nya's liking. The doona is messy, and the pillows are scattered everywhere. She furrows her eyebrows.

'Wake up!' Nya shouts, shaking the end of the bed roughly for them to wake up, They both jolt awake at the same time, untangling from each other. Kai rubs his eyes before glaring at his sister.

'The fuck are you doing in here?' He says, sitting in a seated position. Cole comes to rest on his elbows, looking between Nya and Jay, who's just entered the room. He briefly smiles at Cole, before its wiped off with Nya's shouting.

'What am i doing in here?! We've all been out in the courtyard waiting for you two since seven this morning, while you two sit in here sleeping in, cuddled up to each other like love birds! Get the fuck up!' She yells at them in disbelief.

'Love birds?- Nya can you just fucking chill out? I had the best nights sleep i've had in god knows how long and you come in here acting like it affects you!' Kai shoots back, both siblings getting frustrated by the minute.

'It does effect me Kai! We have been waiting for 3 fucking hours, trying to be considerate that maybe you two are just woke up late this morning and have other issues going on, but then I find you in here! Its not fair on us!' 

'Yep cuz i'm always painted as the selfish one Nya! Fuck sakes I'm done with this shit I can't be happy for one day.' Kai storms out of the bed, pushing past Nya and Jay and slamming the door behind him. Nya looks at Jay, before continuing, 

'Could you please step out? I need to have a word with Cole.' Nya tells him. Jay nods, passing a look to his best mate before turning around and leaving. The raven-haired girl immediately glares at Cole.

'Look, i know about your little crush on my brother-'

'Jay told you?!' Cole said in shock. 'And keep your voice down!'

'No you idiot, its obvious. I'm telling you to stay the fuck away from him.'

Cole looks at her in disbelief. 'Nya what has got you so worked up? I don't understand why I can't hang out with him.'

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2023 ⏰

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