Cheater Ex Girlfriend x William Afton Male Reader (Part 1)

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It's Time To Die


(Y/N)'s POV

Ever since i caught my girlfriend Clara cheating on me, she and her new boyfriend started abusing me. They've been beating me, and taking even the small amount of money i had. This time, they brought me to this old pizzeria and wanted to make me put on this old, smelling, bunny suit.

(Y/N): I-I don't know...

Liam: Put it on.

He cracked his knuckles.

Liam: Or else...

I gulped.

Clara: Come on, twerp! I have to take a photo.

My hands were shaking. I cowardly grabbed the rusty metal parts and started putting them on.

 I cowardly grabbed the rusty metal parts and started putting them on

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They started laughing and taking puctures. I saddened and looked down.

(Y/N)'s mind: Why? What have i done? Why does she hate me?

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(Y/N)'s mind: Why? What have i done? Why does she hate me?

I looked at them. They were still laughing.

(Y/N)'s mind: *Sigh* At least she's happy with him. Maybe-

I saw a spring flying out of the suit.

(Y/N): Eh?

Third POV

They were watching him in shock. After he stopped moving, Clara and Liam ran out of the building. 

Liam: We... We should burn that thing down.

Clara: What?! Are you crazy?!

Liam: If anyone finds him, they'll know we were there and didn't help him.

She didn't know how to respond. Liam went inside and turned on the gas on the ovens. When he got out, he pulled out a lighter, lit it, and threw it at the pizzeria. The building started burning. Screams were heard from the inside.

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