Death Cause: Champagne corks

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Izuku's POV:

I couldn't believe what just happened! Let's be honest here. I was really interested to see all the prototypes the support course was making. It was just soo interesting and really cool. However I didn't think that Nezu meant literally Arson when he said arson. Like I got picked up by Power Loader and then we got to UA which surprised me that it was even open. Turns out all the teachers live in a dorm system and that they had each their own floor. Anyways long story short we went to the support class and then started testing them out. Each one of them worked perfectly. However Nezu decided to grab a frame thrower and go at it saying it was a durability test. Power Loader wasn't better he just grabbed an axe and started smashing at it. 

The moment something exploded, I couldn't help but scream since it surprised me soo much. Shortly after that I got basically abducted by Hound Dog and brought to a lounge where the teachers were.

Me: Ahm.... hi.

Midnight: Are you okay?

Me: Yeah...

Mic: Thank god. 

Hound Dog: I can't believe that they fucking did that in front of you!

RG: Fucking lunatics.

I would love to say the same but it was also kinda fun... still took my surprise.

Where did they even get the weapons?!

They were right next to me the whole time!!!

I looked at the teachers in the room and saw Midnight making a foto from me. She squealed as well and then there was Thirteen who told her to send the pic over to her and RG the healer doing the same as well. 

Then there was Hound Dog who told Cementoss and Ectoplasm what he saw and they were kinda surprised and shocked or it looked like that. Kinda hard to tell but I would say that at least. There was also Eraserhead with a coffee and another mug he handed over to me saying it was hot chocolate.

I just couldn't help it and looked at each of them and their death dates. I really hated seeing them since they were all so nice to me.

At least Eraserhead won't die out of coffee.... really weird way. 

By now I know that he loves it.

He also has more than 10 years as well till he is supposed to die in an accident....

Well ama tell it to him when the time comes.

I don't need my quirk drawback.

The further the time the more I feel the pain.... really don't need that.

Then let's see...

I was sipping on the hot chocolate that I got in my hands and started looking at each of the heroes death date. Till my eyes landed on a red number which was 2 days from now. Apparently I was a bit obvious in doing that.

Thirteen: Something wrong?

Me: ...

How in the world...

How is someone supposed to die from that?

It took me a double take to see if I was reading the couse of death right. No matter how much I tried to think about it, it was still a bizar waz to die.... well getting killed by champagne corks was definitely something else. However the penalty for actually telling her that was not even that bad. It was listed as food poisoning. I would definitely take it since it couldn't be that bad right?

Me: Just wondering what it means.

Mic: Huh?

Eraserhead: What do you see?

Me: Death by champagne corks.

Midnight: UHHH girl, where do you wanna party soo hard?

Thirteen: I was actually invited to a part in 2 days and I did wanted to drink till I knock myself out.

Midnight: Well geuss you ain't going there anymore.

Thirteen: Awww.....

Mic: How about we party with some nice punch instead? No champagne corks at all.

Thirteen: Sounds awesome.

Cementoss: I am curious. What about me?

Me: ...

The moment I told her the couse of death, I immediately felt the penalty. All of the sudden, I just hat to put the mug awa on the small table and ran towards the sink in the open kitchen area. There wasn't really any other option since I didn't know where the bathrooms were and this lounche had a small open kitchen area. 

Once I got there, I couldn't help it but throw up. I felt soo sick and nauseous as well as a bit of unbalanced. My head was killing me as well.

Of course the heroes immediately came to my side and the healer as well. This was how they basically forced me to stay till I would get better notifying my mother that I would spent some time at a friends house. Of course they never told her that they were heroes or anything at all besides them being the parents and so on. My mom was cool so this was how I got a room at the healers apartment floor and Eraserhead carrying me there.


Still better than the hero dying.

At least it was not throwing up blood....

Or something else.

Most of the penalties are throwing up blood or a fever.

I have to be careful not to stack them up...

Could be dangerous for me.

I can see it... Your death day and my punishment... (not the usual chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now