Chapter 13: Silent conversation

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I sat in the library, barely keeping my eyes open and tried to concentrate on what I was actually reading. I had already opened my hair to let it fall onto the table and block out whatever could distract me from the book in front of me. Our deadline for the music project came closer in big steps and I was perfectly in time so far. It's not like I needed more than a few afternoons to work out a genre's characteristics and finding examples for both artists and songs. Yet, I couldn't stand Yeosang having to do the development all by himself and almost forced him to split up the timeline. That's why I now read a book about music in the late middle ages. Well, tried to at least.

I flinched as something appeared in the corner of my eye. Someone pushed a little slip of paper through my hair. I raised my head to see a grinning Yeosang sitting next to me. I suppressed a chuckle and upon having to be silent, I simply waved at him. He pointed to the note in front of me and curiously I took it as I saw something written on it. "Working on the project?", I read. I nodded and pointed to him. You too? He nodded as well, then took the paper back to write more on it. "Achieving something?" I bit my lower lip shyly as I scribbled underneath: "Not really. Can't seem to be able to concentrate. How about you?" "Just came here, don't know." "Okay, suggestion", I began but then realized the space wasn't enough to write my proposal.

I looked around a bit, then took out my calendar to rip out one of the pages I didn't need anymore. Ignoring the shocked looks from some others, I started again: "How's this: One more hour of at least attempted concentration and then we'll get out of here and enjoy the last rays of sun." "Can I add something?" "Which would be?" "It's comfortably warm outside today. We could grab some ice cream and chill in the park for some time." "Now that sounds motivational! The more we get done, the more scoops, deal?" "Deal." I grinned at him and gave a thumbs up. He motioned me that he would go look for some books on the topic and I nodded.

After he had left again, I sighed deeply and turned back to the book. I realized that Yeosang sat back down next to me soon after and for a few seconds looked at his reflection on the window opposite us. The sun shone in from behind us and lit up his hair. He looked stunning actually. I tilted my head and then smiled unconsciously. His hair looked just as soft as Wooyoung's, I then realized. Someone passed by and for a second Yeosang's reflection was covered by a human's body. I snapped out of my thoughts and shook my head. I was supposed to concentrate.

I heard him giggle next to me and looked at him questioning. He grabbed the paper and wrote: "That looked like a wet dog shaking his head to get rid of the water." I had to chuckle and sent him a jokingly offended look before adding my comment on the paper: "You should concentrate, not compare me to animals. Especially if it's not the animal officially assigned to me." "Right, sorry! Can at least one of your three octopus hearts forgive this fraud?" I grinned brightly as I read it and answered: "All three can if you work now." He laughed softly once more and saluted before turning back to the book. As I looked back ahead with a smile, I got the stare somebody gave us from another table. Then he held a finger against his lips and I tried to motion him I was sorry before bending over my own book as well again.

It seemed Yeosang also was a bit out of it because by the end of our agreed library time, he had barely taken notes. I often realized how he stared out of the window, seemingly captivated by something he saw. I wasn't sure if it was something actually visible or inside his head, but whatever it was, I did not care about it further. As he tapped my shoulder and pointed to his wrist, I figured that the hour was already over and nodded. While I packed my stuff, he already waited for me and after getting up, I smiled at him, only to freeze for a split second as I got aware how he had watched me with quite a warm and friendly smile on his face, one that I had barely seen so far. I tried to hide the slight blush on my face by rushing past him and outside of the building.

A bit later I sat on a bench next to him and enjoyed the ice cream. "Have you seen the guy across us?", I asked him, "He did not seem very enlightened about our conversation." "Some people can't stand little laughs, it seems", he shrugged. I agreed and took another spoonful of ice cream. "How's Miyoung doing?", Yeosang asked me. "Pretty fine. Already found some friends there. But it's Miyoung after all. How could she not?", I chuckled. "And how are you holding up with it?", he went on. I tilted my head as I thought about it. "I guess I am just as fine", I then said, "I don't even really have too much time to miss her. I either do something for university or am out and about with you guys. I'm holding up good." "That's very good to hear", he thought out loud. "By the way... I hope you are okay with the octopus reference I made?", Yeosang shyly asked. I laughed and waved it off: "Don't worry about it, I am fine. I can take little laughs, you know?" "Good", he smiled, "But just so you know... I think you're prettier than an octopus." I blushed flustered. "That's not hard, now is it?", I mumbled. He chuckled and nodded: "That I got to admit."

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