Chapter 14: Honest talk

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Yeosang had said his goodbye some time ago, explaining that he had an appointment at the hair salon and a bit sad about it, I waved him goodbye and decided to stay in the park a little longer. "Hi Minj", someone behind me said and a second later Yunho sat down next to me. I smiled at him. "Hi Yunho", I greeted back. "What are you doing here?", he wanted to know. "I was having some ice cream with Yeosang as a reward for actually working on our project. And I wanted to stay a bit longer to just enjoy the sun", I explained, "And you?" "Oh, I simply like strolling around here", he gave back. "I get that. Been doing it way too rarely", I sighed and leaned back on the bench we were sitting on.

"Maybe I need someone to shoo me out every now and then", I added thoughtfully. "I can do that", Yunho grinned at me, "I don't mind a little company on my strolls." I looked at him contemplating. "Just you and me exploring the world. Or rather this park", he laughed. I had to chuckle. "Just like Aladdin and Jasmine - I can show you the world", he started to sing, only to blush as he realized what that might indicate. This time I laughed out loud. "It's fine", I assured him and patted his arm. We fell silent for a bit then I got back to our original point: "So... Without any romantic feelings between the two of us - You can always text me when you feel like having company on your strolls." "I will", he promised. "Don't the others come along with you at all?", I then wanted to know. "They do if I ask them to, but they aren't enjoying it as much as I do. The one most likely to do so would be Seonghwa, but he is working almost all of the time. Yeosang is the who I can persuade often and even he doesn't have a lot of time lately." I tilted my head.

"How about Wooyoung?", I asked as casual as possible, "He does like hanging out with people." "That's true but a simple stroll around the park is lacking a bit of excitement for him, you know?", Yunho shrugged. I nodded thoughtfully. "You see, he's more of a person who loves having people around and do something full of action together. Which is cool, but it sometimes can be a bit much too handle. If he ever finds a girlfriend, she most likely has to be similar to this." "You think so? Couldn't somebody more calm balance him out?", I asked back. "Oh, that is possible. I just think someone like that would face way greater struggles."


"Minj, get yourself together", Miyoung sighed, "Yunho did not mean it is impossible for you to get with Wooyoung. Just that it would take you some effort to cope with him." "I know", I mumbled. The talk at the park was very interesting for me, but it left me a bit demotivated. I really liked Wooyoung. Like... In that special way. But I was someone who needed a lot of time for herself or with not more than two or three people at best. "Okay, listen here, Miss Dramatic", my friend now sighed, "If you're the one for Wooyoung, then don't worry - He will respect and accept your needs as well. That's what being in love is about after all. But if not - and I am only saying IF - then you'll find someone who suits you better. You should ask yourself though if you really want to put up with that. Come on, Minj, I know you. Don't let yourself get dragged down by this and think about it honestly." "I'm trying to", I promised without a lot of hope. Only a bit later we ended the call.

I lay back on my couch and thought about everything that had happened today. It was such a nice afternoon with Yeosang in the library and Yunho later in the park. But this whole girlfriend-image-thingy really bugged me. Did I want someone as a boyfriend who always was seeking excitement? I was the last to not join an adventure, but could I keep up with his pace? Sure, he was an extremely lovely and amazing person, but I could say that about everyone in his friend group. Even about Mingi who loved to challenged me and seemed to grow to be the Jerry to my Tom. But then I caught myself smiling as I thought back to how Wooyoung helped me out of the water ride or bought those plushies for Miyoung and me and I decided that it wasn't yet over. Miyoung was right. I shouldn't let myself get dragged down by this. Not a single second I also contemplated about her words about him maybe not being the right choice.

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