Mistletoe woes (Galf)

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BUSTS DOWN DOOR thank you @KochiyaSanaeee for making me actually finish this idea I love Galf sm 


 It was January. Yeah, January (not really). It's not even Christmas, and yet there were still Christmas stuff available in the shop. You really wanted to see what you could get while the stuff was still there and hot, do you can flex them on people out of spite. Rummaging around, you found an item you missed. 

 "A hanging mistletoe?" You thought. "Might be funny to run around with it." You then grinned. You picked up the hanging mistletoe, going over to Galf to pay for it. 

 "Hey, (Y/N)." Galf waved. "35 gifts." He says while you approach, putting his hand out. You rummage around your pocket to pull out full-sized boxes, some even bigger than your pocket. You don't even know how they fit in, they just shrink and slink into your pocket once you got them. Galf just shoved them behind the counter as you passed them, as he just nodded once you gave him enough. You grabbed the hanging mistletoe. 

 As you walked out, you tried to put it on, you couldn't quite get it on. The band to put it on your head didn't really seem loose, and you only struggled to make it bigger. A huff. You really wanted to joke around with this, but it's really not gonna work out well if you're not gonna be able to put it on!!

 You began making your way back to Galf, who was just skimming through his phone boredly. You slipped by the counter again as he just gave you a glance. 

"Something the matter?" Galf tilted his head. 

"Yeah, I can't quite put this on.." You handed him the hanging mistletoe. He inspected it, squinting at it. 

"Easy fix." He responded simply, focusing the mistletoe onto your head. Galf crouched behind the counter for a bit, then managing to whip out another hanging mistletoe, a little bigger for your head size. 

 "This should be better for you." He stood up, and held the hanging mistletoe up, the mistletoe being put sideways. "C'mere real quick."

 "Alright." You nodded. You bend over slightly onto the counter, as Galf tried to heftily fit it onto your head. There was a bit of a struggle, Galf setting himself up a bit more onto the counter to try fitting it on. You tried to keep steady as the band was being shoved onto your forehead, but it was tricky. The two of you ended up falling flat onto the floor, the band tripping right out of Galf's hands. You closed your eyes during the tumble, feeling your back thud onto the floor. 

"Guh..." You groaned. You opened your eyes as Galf was tumbled onto you, lying onto your chest. He slumped himself up, looking a bit dazed. 

"Galf, you alright...?" You didn't seem to even notice. He nodded quietly, only staring down at the floor, then back to you. You blinked with a blank expression until suddenly turning a bright red. You tried to stumble up, yet something small bonked you onto the head.

 It was a mistletoe! The hanging one at that. You stared up at it as it practically gleamed in your face from the lights above. 

 "Oh." Your face still wasn't flushed of your reddened color. You chuckled a bit, trying to play it off. Galf just stayed quiet. He crawled off of you and held out a hand to you, helping you up. 

 "Sorry." He said quickly. He tilted down his cap. "But.. what'd you want that for, anyway?" Galf tilted his head, pointing to the hanging mistletoe.

 "I was gonna use this in a few rounds." You explain. "Maybe run around a bit, try getting a kiss with this from somebody." You joked, laughing as you did so. Galf just sighed. 

 "That's it? Really?" Galf looked a bit disappointed. You nodded with pride. 

 "It was too much of a good opportunity to miss out on." You grinned. "I'll just maybe take this to hold and run around with instead, I guess." You looked at the hanging mistletoe in your hands. You gripped it a bit tightly. You had a face with a bit of disappointment on it, too. Galf just glanced at the mistletoe you held, before back at you. There was a bit of beeping coming from his watch. It was his break time. 

 "Maybe we could take a walk?" He suggested. You and him walked off as Galf closed off the shop, in case of any robberies while you two were out. You walked near one of the shops near Silver Mall, just to take a quick stop. You still held the mistletoe. Walking around with it made you feel a little better. It also let you stretch out your back. Galf stood by the exit while you sat down in one of the chairs near the window to be close. 

 "You feeling a bit better now?" Galf asked, looking at you. You put your hand up, signaling it side to side as an "Ehhhhh". Galf just sighed. "Did you REALLY want an actual kiss, or was it an actual joke?" 

 "...A bit of both." You shrug. You were a little desperate anyway. Galf just rolled his eyes. 

 "Of course." You puffed up your cheeks from that comment. Galf just smirked. "What? I figured you would do something like this." He shrugged. "But, if you didn't mind at all..." He then slid in close, lightly pressing his hand up on the seat of the chair. You looked up at him as his clearly nervous expression was visible with a tint of red on his face. "You obviously wouldn't mind me doing it, right?" 

 You turned a bit red again. You gently wrapped your arms around Galf and pulled him close. You shortly but sweetly kiss Galf on the lips, before you two pull away.

 "...Are you. That desperate?" Galf narrowed his eyes a bit. 

 "No. I don't think that was desperate." You reply a bit out of breath. "I think that was genuine." 

"I hope that's not a lie." Galf checked his watch. He squinted, before relaxing his eyes back onto you. "I guess a few more minutes hanging here wouldn't hurt." He slid himself onto a nearby chair with a little smirk. He then began tying something onto his cap. 

 After a few moments, a mistletoe swung lightly from his cap as you and him were under it. 

"Wha.." you mumbled before shortly being cutoff from Galf's lips on yours again. He held you close, gently caressing you on the face while doing so. You didn't mind this, letting yourself get close as you continue to kiss. You lasted like this for a while, until you two finally pulled away from a beeping noise. At this point, you two were sharing a chair, Galf squished up right next to you. 

 "Shit, I might've overdone that." He facepalmed embarrassedly. "I might be late now." He groaned, getting up with a stretch. 

 "Looks like I'm not the one that's a little touchstarved." You booped his nose, causing him to flush red and sigh. 

 "Oh, woe is me." He said in a sarcastic tone before looking up at the mistletoe on his head. "...It's not even December..." he mumbled to himself about his life choices, ripping the mistletoe off his cap before prepping to open up the store and get back to work. You just laughed it off and followed him back to the shop to help get things back up.

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