sleep over#2

714 10 3

smg3 pov

I was hanging out with smg4 in his room, I look at smg4 as he look at me

"I'm so happy you came!,"-said smg4 looking happy with a smile on his face

I felt my ear turning red little bit

"Why did you want me here for smg4?"-as I said asking him

Smg4 look at me and said

"SO WE CAN HAVE A SLEEP OVER BEC I'M BORED! :D"-said smg4 happily

I look at smg4 with a awkward blush

"Wat-"-as I said confused

"You heard me!"-said smg4

"•-•.."-as I said

"Oh come on we gonna have so much fun!!!! We can watch movies on my computer and play games!!!!"-said smg4 happily

"Uhm.. but I have to be home at 8:30 pm"-as I said

"Oh come on pleaseeeee..."-said smg4

I looked at smg4 and sign

"Fine."-as I said

"YEYYYYY"-said smg4 happily

"- -"-as I said

smg4 and smg3 had where having a awesome  sleepover

10 minutes later of 4 and 3 sleepover party time it is now 10:59 pm

"that was *yawns* so awesome!"-said smg4 yawning

"yep-*yawns* "-as i said yawning too 

"thxs for having this sleep over with me!"-said smg4

"yw!"-as i said

"Will we should go to Bed it almost 11:00 pm"-as I said

"Oh okay will good night smg3!"-said smg4 laying down Going to sleep

"Good night"-as I said laying down too turning off the lights

**smg4 was in the kitchen making coffee and smg3 walked in rubbing his eyes**

**smg4 turns around**

"oh good morning smg3!"-said smg4 smile on his face

"morning.."-as i said

"How did you sleep?"-said smg4

"Slept like a baby.."-as I said kept rubbing my eye

"Haha good to hear"-said smg4 smiling

I hugged smg4 from behind

"Heh someone still sleeping"-said smg4 giggling to himself

"Mmngh..."-as I said

"Want some coffee?"-said smg4 looking at smg3 with a smile on his face

"Mmngh.. sure.."-as I said still sleepy and tired

Smg4 make some coffee for smg3 and hand it to him

"There you go!"-said smg4 handing me a cup of coffee

"Thxs."-as I grab the coffee and take a sip

"Yw!"-said smg4 happily

I blush a little bit

"will I gotta go it was nice having a sleep over with you!"-as I said walking away

"Bye smg3!"-said smg4 waving a good bye to smg3

"When will I say my feelings to him..."-3

(End of part 2)
(Words 431)

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