"first Date/going out to eat"#4

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Smg3 pov

After me and smg4 went shopping with mario and meggy we decided to go out and eat at a restaurant and I was waiting for smg4 to come

After me and smg4 went shopping with mario and meggy we decided to go out and eat at a restaurant and I was waiting for smg4 to come

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"Where is he??"-as I said getting bored of waiting

"I'm here I'm here! Sorry I was in traffic"-said smg4 running up to me

"Wow you look so beautiful..-"-as I said looking at him

"Ty you too!"-said smg4 smiling

"Thxs.. okay let go!"-as I said walking inside the restaurant with smg4

"Woah the restaurant so huge!"-said smg4

"Ikr"-as I said looking at him

The restaurant inside:

i pull out a chair for smg4

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i pull out a chair for smg4

"ty smg3!"said smg4 smiling 

"Yw!"-as I said

I sit down and wait until a waiter comes

"So smg3 why did you wanted me to come here?"-said smg4 looking at me

"Uh I will tell you when we are done eating..😓"-as I said answering his question

"Okay!"-said smg4

When the waiter came and took their order

"what would you guys like to eat?"-said the waiter

"I would like a beef hamburger with a drink on the side please!"-as I said telling the waiter what I want

"Hmm I want a  steak with a drink please"-said smg4

"Okay! I will be back with your food soon!"-said the waiter

The waiter walk off

"So smg3 how you day been?"-said smg4 asking smg3

"Oh uh it been good ig you?"-as I said rubbing the back of my head

"Mine been good I watched memes on my computer"-said smg4

"nice!"-as i said

the waiter came with their food 

"thxs!"-said smg3 and 4 to the waiter

"yw! enjoy!"-said the waiter

the waiter walks away

smg4 and smg3 start eating their food

"yum this is good!"-said smg4 eating his food

"ikr!'-as i said eating my food

After they were done eating

"hey smg3 what were you going to tell me?"-said smg4

"oh!.. uhh.."-as i said

"soo we have been bff for so long i want to tell you something..."-as i said looking at him blushing

"like what?"-said smg4 looking at me

"I really need to get this off my chest so uhm smg4..uhhh.. will you.. uhh.."-as I said stuttering and getting nervous

"Will you what?"-said smg4 looking at me confused

"WILL YOU BE MY BOYFRIEND!?.."-as I said blushing nervous

"..."-said smg4

"Oh smg3.."-said smg4

"YES I WILL!!.."-said smg4 in happy tears


"Really??.. yayyy"-as I said happily

"Heh ^///^!"-said smg4 blushing

"We should tell the others!"as I said

"Okay!"-said smg4

smg4 and i pay the waiter and left

back at the Peach's castle

"EVERYONE COME TO THE LOBBY!"-said smg4 yelling

Everyone came into the lobby

"Yes?"-said everyone

"me and smg3 have big news!"-said smg4 happily

"Like what?"-said everyone

"ME AND SMG3 ARE NOW DATING!"-as smg4 hold my hand and my face turns red

"Yea what he said."-as I look away

"I KNEW IT."-said mario pointing at them

"Ya ya whatever-"-said smg4

I'm so happy he accepted my feelings for him...-3

(end of part 4)
(Words: 539)

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