watching the star with you#5

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smg4 pov

it was pretty outside and me and smg3 were sitting under a tree we were looking at the stars and smg3 looked at me and said

"i love watching the stars with you love." -smg3

i blush then smile and said

"aw same here love.."-smg4

smg3 put his hand on mine and i blush and smile

"i love you dear.."-smg3

smg3 lays his head on me and smiles

"i love you too.."-smg4

i smile back

"hey love."-smg3

as smg3 looks at me


"when we ever get married and have a ..... family?."-smg3

"when we are ready dear.."-smg4


me and smg3 go back looking at the stars

(end of part 5 bec i ran out of ideas-)

"all I want is you."[SMG4 + SMG3]Where stories live. Discover now