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-you're gonna pay for the accrued pain of mine you are gonna compensates for every second since he was born you kept him away from me all those moments in which he should have been with me ,for all those fucking things you are gonna compensate ."

tears rolling down your eyes and looking at his stoic face .

at this point i don't care about myself i am not gonna submit to him anymore ..

you just sat there , as rest of the ride went quiet he was busy texting someone while you just worrying about kiwi and planning how to tell shoto about your location and when , it was very risky you dont know where kiwi was ,and where katsuki was taking you, the roads were unfamiliar .

the car finally came to halt and you saw where you are , there was noone ,just a private jet waiting there .

your heartbeat fastening , katsuki got out of car and do did you .

"where is kiwi and why are we here ?"

"on board waiting for us " he said and took long stride towards his private jet .

" what ? you left him alone " you screamed at him.

" i know how to take care of my brat , he is my brat and nobody would dare to mess with him not if they have a death wish plus i have my people babysitting him ,i didn't left him alone like you did." with that note he smirked.

i didn't left him alone he was sleeping safe in our apartment until you decided to kidnap him.

you wish you had courage to speak that at his face rather than thinking in your head .

but it was not the time to fight him it was time to think rationally .

now you know where kiwi was and and car's number plate you had the mobile hidden in your waistband of shorts all you need to do is send shoto the details and he will track the car or mobile to get there .

so you proceeded as per your plan .

" i .. i need to use washroom"and you stopped .

and so did he .

he just looked towards side and said

"yeah that's inside the jet follow me "

what inside jet ?? no no what if jet took off before shoto reached here ..

" i mean it's urgent can ..n can i use bushes "

perfect it couldn't have sound more dumb .

after hearing that coming out of your mouth you mentally facepalmed yourself.

he turned around to face you and cocked an eyebrow in disbelief.

" have you lost your mind?"

now i have no choice other than going inside but i have to be quick and send all the details .

" i was ..was ..i mean nothing let's go " you followed him towards the plane .

as you reached inside the luxuriant ride .

you acknowledged your raggy attire and dirty bare feets.

fuck it .

" kiwi.." you saw kiwi finally he was soundly sleeping inside a crib, you felt little relaxed after looking at him like this .

" where the washroom?" you asked katsuki while turning around.

he pointed towards a door around the corner you gave him a straight smile in order not to make him mad and hurriedly move inside the washroom .

《TOXIC》katsuki bakugou × readerWhere stories live. Discover now