☆𝐌𝐫 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝☆

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I am sat in my room desperately trying to figure out why the hell I chose to do medicine with all of the coursework that comes with it.

"I am going to fail my seminar Bella."


My dog Bella barked back at me. She's a 4 year old German shepard that my Dad got for me after a bad break in and he wanted someone to be with me 24/7.

He originally wanted it to be a bodyguard but I didn't feel comfortable having someone's eyes on me all the time so we compromised with a dog.

I was very happy I had been begging him for one since I was six and jumped at the opportunity to have one.

"Miss Garcia."

Mable, one of the maids that work for my Dad, was knocking on my door.

I open it and see her frail hands holding some dog treats.

Bella was already by my side and ears perked up knowing that she always has them ready.

"Miss Garcia, your father has told me to inform you about your Brother being home."

"Did he say which one?"

"No, just that your brother is home and that dinner is ready for you to eat."

"Ok thanks Mable. And what did I say about  Allington me miss Garcia."

She chuckles knowing that I have told her time and time again to call me Emilia.

"Yes well then Emila I am sure you and Bella are hungry so why don't you go and sit to eat with your father and brother whilst I spoil Bella."

Mable is probably the kindest person I know. Which isn't hard when you know my Father's line of work but she still manages to make everyone smile. That doesn't mean she won't bust your ass if she thinks you are out of line. She may look old but trust me I have seen her fighting off grown men like they were flies.

"ok thank you so much tell him i will be down in a sec, i just need to pac my stuff up."

"As you wish."

I head over to my text books strewn all over my bed and sigh as put them back onto the shelf.

Time to go and pretend make believe.

you may be wondering what the hell i am going on about with my dad's line of work and needing a bodyguard. Truth be told i haven't told anyone but my father is head of the spanish mafia. He governs and controls thousands of men through fear, yet he still hasn't discovered how he can manage to have a soft spot for me.

My 3 brothers are all leaders in the mafia. Each leading different areas that they are strongest in and all exactly like my father.

Me however doesn't want this lifestyle. Yes the money and luxury of everything is nice and i will be eternally grateful that i never had to worry about my next meal or wether the heating was going to be shut off.Sometimes though the anxiety of always having to look over hour shoulder and never being able to fully trust anyone makes life so lonely. I want to be able to help people and care for the ones i love. Which is why i am training to become a nurse.

"Emilia you decided to join us, that's good."

my dad greeted me with a kiss on my temple before pulling my chair out next to him.

Body guards lined each entrance and exit and cameras tracking our every move. Love the amount of privacy i get. Not.

When i sat down at the table and placed the napkin over my lap i looked up to see my eldest brother had done the same.

I smile back at him widly because i hadn't seen him in awhile and he mirrors my gesture.

"Well this is lovely, two of my children not trying to kill each other over dinner. I think this is a once in a lifetime oportunity."

"Very funny dad but cut to the chase, none of my brothers come round the house on a random saturday only on holidays or important business. And you know i like to stay out of the business. So spill, cause i am definetlly involved somehow."

"My darling nothing ever get's past you does it."

"Emilia atleast wait until the chefs are done plating our food. You know we aren't rude towards our staff."

God he is slowly turning into dad.
"Fine but i want to know before dessert."

"Don't worry i asked them to prepare you your favourite, rasberry sorbet."

Sometimes i hate that they know me to well because now i can't escape halfway through into the kitchen to eat ice cream from the tub and dance around with all of the chefs chuckling at my antics.

"Well father we have eaten our main, tell me why Jacob has taken a surprise trip to see us."

"You are just like your mother cheeky monkey. But as you wish i will tell you, not that you will like the news."

The last bit was under his breath yet i still heard it.

"Emilia you need to know before hand that we are doing this to protect you because we love you."

"you are scaring me now just spit it out."

"Well my darling a few weeks ago your other brother Tobias had a warehouse burnt down to the ground and we suspected fowl play. Just two days ago Jacob had a warehouse burnt down to the ground and someone broke into his house whilst he was away and mary and the kids had to hide in their safe room."

"When i got back i found the place also in flames but on the front door was pictures of my wife, my two little girls and you. Each with a butchers knife from the kitchen stabbed in the head with my men's blood on it."

oh my god that is horrific. How are they both saying this with a straight place.

"We think that he is going to target you next and me and dad feel like it isn't safe for you to be wondering round with no protection."

"no protection my ass, there are 8 bodyguards in this one room and cameras tracking every square meter of this place."

"Yes Emilia yet so did my estate. I am just lucky enough that the safe room was so underground that no one of my family was hurt. My men on the other hand were massacered like pigs."

"well what are you thinking? More cameras? For me to stay at home? To not leave, in fear someone will set the place on fire with me in it."

"Well my darling we were thinking that you would have your own bodyguard."

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