☆𝐌𝐫 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝☆

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Ezra walked behind me as a slowly walked up the steps towards the front door, carefully to not trip and fall over the bottom of my dress.

The double doors were being held open by two waiters dressed in waist Coates and bow ties.

I nodded my head at them both to say thank you and they smiled.

I stepped into the busy foye area so see some similar looking people.

I looked behind me to see if ezra was there and he was speaking into his head peice.

God doest that look complete him.

It was full black so people could distinguish him as my personal bodyguard.

I always had a personal bodyguard for these events but this was the first one that I felt comftable being around.

I walked into the large space filled with tables and people talking.

Most of this night was just mingling, showing off all the things accomplished in the last year, eating and more mingling.

It was boring and yet I have had to attend since I was 5.

I use to get off leaving early though but now I don't.

"This way Miss."

I forgot that he is meant to call me by my title and not my name.

I followed in his direction to a group in the middle of the room of my 3 brothers, dad and a couple of other important people that I can never take the time to remember why they are important.

"There's my sweatheart."

My dad greeted me by reaching for my head and kissing both sides of my cheeks.

"Looking beautiful."

"Thank you dad."



I jokingly nodded my head at my brother both of us not liking how formal we have to be at these events.

The only one who gets away with it is my dad.

"How have you been Lia, I heard you had to finally get that bodyguard."

"It's been good jake I actually don't hate him."

"Well that's good then, considering you have to spend all day with him."

I coyly roll my eyes at his comment.

I don't dare look to see my father is standing to see his glare of disapproval.

"Drink, ma'am?"

"Yes, thank you."

I grabbed a flute off champagne and sipped it whilst talking to my brother.

"Well is that him behind you?"

Ugh, isabelle. The bitch. She is married to the other leader that runs the smaller bit of my father's mafia.

She might be married but boy does she act like she is still single.
Everyone knows she is only staying married because of the money.

It's not like whats-his-name can even easily divorce her otherwise he risks her going to the police.

I secretly hope she accidentally chokes on her champagne whenever I have to pretend to be nice to her.

"Yes he is Isabelle."

"I can see why you like having him around I wouldn't hate having a man like him around."

Like I said bitch.

I looked behind too see ezra's reaction but he was just a brick wall not moving from his stance.

I guess he can't since all of the leaders are here in this one circle.

"Yes well, I chose a bodyguard similar age to Lia so she would feel more comftable around him."

The boring conversation dome how managed to go on another 1 hour.

And we were finally sitting down to eat, but of course it is all of those small finger sized dishes that you eat in one bite and can barely taste they are that small.

And the conversation was still boring.

I guess ezra could tell I was bored by me playing with the rim of my glass.

He tapped me on my shoulder so I turned round to face him.

He bent down so only I could hear what he was saying.

"You look very bored just sitting there, want to escape to the kitchen to have some actual food than that crap."

"Yes god yes anything to get away from this."

I politely excuse myself and try and walk as fast away too the kit hen with ezra as could without drawing attention to myself.

I rounded the corner and opened the now empty clean kitchen.

"Oh thank god I thought I was going to die of boredom."

"Yep you could definitely tell emilia."

He took of his sunglasses, not needing to hide his face from me since I already knew what it looked like.

"Whatever, I am going to see what I can steal and see if I can get some more champagne cause it was good."

I opened the huge fridge door and walked in.

Ezra held it open for me so the lights would stay on.

There was crates and crates of food stacked up against the back wall which ment there wasn't that much room in here and was very smug.

"Oh my god I just remembered my Sliders you got me.'

I opened my clutch and took them out.

"You are a genius did you know that ezra."

"You can tell me again if you want too emilia."

"I will because you are. Ezra Miller you are a genius."

He smiled at me being happy at escaping from these traps and finally able feel my toes.

"Now all I need is some food...."

I searched and racked the shelfs trying to find something that I could make or just eat but everything was just ingredients.

"Yes, we are currently in the kitchen she wanted fresh air, Ok, your kidding, shit."

I looked over my right shoulder to see ezra talking on his earpiece radio looking distressed.

"How bad is it, shit, OK I will got it."

"What's wrong ezra?"

"Someone lit your house on fire."

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