☆𝐌𝐫 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝☆

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What the fuck is all of this.

Ezra somehow managed to contort his body so he could fit through the small square window that I can barely even fit my head through.

"Take as much time as you need Emilia, it is not like there are people who are trying to kill you or anything."

I flick my middle thinger up at him, the only limb that I managed to get through.

"I don't usually have to leave through a tiny ass window though."

I hissed back at his sassy comment knowing there was truth to his words.

"Let me help you."

"No I got this."

I don't got this.

There are people going through every single room, they are going to find us soon.

With one last push I hoist the majority of my body out of the window to land in ezras arms that were ready to catch me.

"Finally, I thought you actually wanted them to kill you."

I blushed at the way he was holding me bridal style, allowing me to see his beautiful eyes again.

"No time to stare princess we need to remember why we just climbed out of the window."

I blushed even more profusely knowing he caught me staring but he acted unbuffered and dropped me down on my feet.

"Will you be OK in your Sliders."

"I will be OK but I won't be able to run too fast."

"Well we will have to be sneaky then."

He grabbed my hand that was just laying idly next to me and started to guide me towards the end of the building.

He peaked over and turned back to me.

"Ok, there are a couple guards I will probably be able to shoot them but we won't be silent, run as fast as you can, it doesn't matter how fast you are, out of the gates and to the left to a red volvo, the key is on the drivers hand door, IF i am not there in time drive as fast as you can away."

"What will you do then?"

"I am going to keep them all busy."

He was re loading his gun and taking out one that I hadn't noticed that was strapped to his waist.

I knew I shouldn't but I did.

I felt bad, really bad.

I have always thought the idea of someone watching me and treating me as this precious object that can't be touched otherwise it would break.

But not ezra.

Somehow ezra is different.

He's the most beautiful man I have ever seen and is protective over me but doesn't treat me like fine China.

He treats Me like me.

Just with some people who want to hurt me.

I don't know what I would if something bad would happen to ezra.

He told me that I should leave him here but i can't do that to him.

He has saved my life so many time already and probably so many more.

"Emilia, Emilia."

A hand waved infront of me, it was era's.

"Can you do that for me?"


I wasn't listening, I was overthinking every possibility in my head getting myself more and more worked up.

"Ok deep breaths Emila on the count of three you know what to do."

I nodded my head, gun in my right hand, tears threatening to spill.

I knew I had to listen and follow his words otherwise both of us would be dead, and I can't bear to think of the pain that would my family, his family.

"1, 2, 3-"

And I ran out from behind the corner and it took a moment for anyone to notice before bullets were shooting my way non stop.

I could the wind as they whipped past my head.

It felt like I was running faster than they could hit me but I knew that wasn't true as they were just shooting everything not being able to aim.

I get to the gate and only now do I realise how huge they were.

I didn't notice when I was walking in with bodyguards lining the entrance.

I can't help but wonder wether or not any of those men were the same men trying to shoot me dead right now.


I whip my head round to the voice and see ezra running backwards shooting back at the people.

Only now do I realise that I must have stopped infront of them.

Since they were open a fraction I managed to shimmey my way through hearing and seeing bullets ching against the metal.

My heart was thumping as I continued to run to the red volvo that ezra told me to drive of in.

I saw it.

It was covered by a tree's braches covering the striking cherry red.

I ran towards it hearing the bullets still go of in the background, they obviously wanted ezra out of the way to get to me.

With shaking hands I went up to the drivers side and bent down towards the wheel.

Sure enough, there was a key that beeped when I pressed it.

He told me to drive of without him.

To leave him behind.

But I couldn't do that, it would be the same as leaving him for dead.

He'd run out of bullets eventually against however many men were there.

Shaking my thoughts away I carefully climbed into the drivers seat.

My movements slow to try and prolong me leaving him.

I knew I had to leave for my safety but i for some reason seem to find myself caring for his as well now..

I put the key in the ignition and the car revved a loud.

There was a full tank in it, obviously being a get away car.

I haven't drove in so long how the fuck does he expect me to do this.

I chuck the gun that was still in my hand onto the seat next to me and change gears.

Before I could start sobbing and speeding out of here I see a shadow running.

I couldn't tell wether it was one of the men or ezra but I found myself waiting to see.

Was that dangerous, yes, but a small spark of hope that he was OK and I wouldn't have to leave him kept me rooted in place.

The shadow grew until I could make out its silhouette.

It was ezra.

But he wasn't alone.

He was running away from two guys frantically shooting at him.

He saw that the car was still here and might as well of jumped through He window when he got in.


And I did.

We were in trouble and the only way to get out of it all was for me to speed away whilst being shot at by some random people.

"Shit your bleeding Ezra."

𝑴𝒓 𝑩𝒐𝒅𝒚𝒈𝒖𝒂𝒓𝒅Where stories live. Discover now