Chapter 1: The Fairy Tail

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|7 Years Later: X784|

???'s POV:
It's been seven years since I joined the guild. Seven years since my parents returned to their own dimension. And seven years since I met my partner, Lyla, who was in her human form. 

The two of us were in the port town of Hargeon doing a job for the Magic Council

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The two of us were in the port town of Hargeon doing a job for the Magic Council. Apparently, two wizards and their crew have been causing problems lately. And that women have been reported missing as well.

"So, you think we'll find those people here?" Lyla asked me. I looked to her and nodded my head. "They have to be here. This is the busiest port in all of Fiore. Trade goods and other novelty items come into and out of Hargeon weekly. It's a good place to hide and to find women who are easy to manipulate if they use charm magic." I said. Lyla sighed at the mention of Charm Magic. "That type of magic has been banned for years." Lyla said.

"Agreed. Hmm, let's stop here. We might find some useful items." I said as we entered the Hargeon Magic Shoppe. Once inside we looked around and didn't see much useful items that could help us in our mission. "Sheesh, I thought magic shops were supposed to have useful items." Lyla said. "Well, given that not many people in Hargeon use magic, you can't really blame the store owner for not having many battle magic items." I said.

As we continued browsing, we heard someone complaining at the front of the store. "Are you kidding me?" they said. And the voice was clearly female. I turned to the front of the store and saw a girl no older than seventeen with blonde hair and wearing a blue and white shirt with a blue skirt and brown boots. 

"Are you telling me that this is the only magic shop in this whole town?" she asked the storekeeper

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"Are you telling me that this is the only magic shop in this whole town?" she asked the storekeeper.

Third Person POV:
"I'm afraid so. The people here are more fishing folk then they are magic folk. I opened this shop to sell to the wizards who happen to be passing by." The storekeeper said to the girl. "Aw man. I came all this way for nothing." She said.

"Now now, don't fret. I have all the latest magic items. This colors magic is popular. All the girls seem to love it. It lets you change the color of your clothes." The Storekeeper said as he activated the magic item and changed his clothes colors to purple.

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