Warning: Contains adult language and sexual content!


There are days where I love and I hate my job. Today is no different. I really do love what I do, I learn a bunch of new things everyday as well as help a lot of people. I hate the fact that there is always something hard to figure out, especially when it's a poisonous ticking death bomb.

Necrobane. NECROBANE. I've said, read, and heard that word so much that it's permanently burned in the back of my mind. It's the most complicated thing I've ever encountered. Just when I am certain that I have all the information that I need and I start the search for a cure or look for something to slow the poisoning's progression, something happens that pushes me back to square one, like I haven't spent every waking hour for the past almost three days searching.

I really thought I had a break through. I gave Jorel a series of multivitamins, a few antidotes, and a lose dose antibiotic. It worked for a little bit until it didn't. Suddenly the Necrobane level is on the rise towards the 80's. I don't understand what had happened and the pressure is on. What am I missing? Why did the Necrobane level go from 31.2 to 75 so fast? How?

After I left George a voicemail at 4 AM, I decide to go home and try to rest. Tony offered to stay and monitor Jorel's condition. Unfortunately when I got home, getting rest is something that doesn't exist. I tried all I could I just could not fall asleep. The haunting thought of losing Jorel like Aron did, it's reeking havoc on my nerves.

After three hours of laying in bed and staring at the ceiling tiles, I get dressed again and come back to work at 7 am with a cup of coffee. I walk in and see Tony sitting at the desk, he's connecting wires and fiddling with a spare oxygen sensor. 

"Are you making a mind reading device, Tony?"

Tony lets out a chuckle as he tapes the wires together with electrical tape. He turns on the device, clipping it to his finger, the display loads then shows "00".

"You're dead inside too huh?" I giggle. 

He sighs, detaching the device and reopening the inside compartment. He adds another wire, a small fuse, and turns a few screws before putting it back together again.

"I spent the past two hours recoding this thing to read Necrobane levels. I'm trying to help you out by making a Necrobane sensor so that way you can always have a reading on the levels without needing to draw blood and wait two hours for the result. I think it'll be helpful since the levels jumped from 31.5 to 75."

He finishes closing it up and tests it on his finger. 

"Finished. I'm going to go test it out on Jorel."

I happily pat his shoulder giving him a smile.

"This is why you're an absolute asset to this team as well as the field, Palermo. I see a promotion to technician in the near future."

"Fuck yeah." He whispers under his breath as he walks into Jorel's room.

We both slide a N95 on our faces. I follow close behind as I want to see how this works and hopefully get a good reading. Jorel is sleeping, the poor guy looks so uncomfortable. He's also sweating and his face is turning a shade of red. Tony checks his vitals. The screen flashes his temperature reading in red numbers of 101.7.

"Sir, he's running a fever."

Jorel's eyes slowly open when the blood pressure cuff inflates. He slowly looks at me and Tony.

"Hey Jorel. How are you feeling?"

He shakes his head slowly and takes a deep breath snuggling under the blanket. 

Dead Bite (A Hollywood Undead Fan Fiction #4)Where stories live. Discover now