The archer.

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Tommy gets up. He looks around for where he dropped his phone being dragged in and it's on the floor but it's even more fucked dream must've stomped on it or something. Tommy turned it on thank fuck it still turned on but Tommy couldn't press any keys so after a hot second of trying he put a thumbs up emoji. He hoped Wilbur would understand then he began running. Then tommy sees them dream, and George. Tommy immediately panics and panics he runs to somewhere, anywhere, and he ends up next to the last place he wants to be aka the construction site and runs into the last person he wanted to meet. Tubbo. 'Oh hey Tommy.' 'Oh hey.' Tommy retorted. 'So how've you been?' 'Fucking fantastic.' Tommy replied sarcastically and then he looks at the cement mixer.
Then he vomits.

Right on the ground next to tubbo. He just looks at Tommy with a concerned look before he continues speaking. 'Me and ranboo are really worried about you and I'm sorry tommy.' 'Just fucking forget about it, it doesn't matter.' Tommy spat 'See you Tommy.' 'Yeah whatever.' Tommy walked away and he liked around for dream and George it seems like he lost them so he continues walking then tommy remembers, oh shit Phil must be going crazy he went home and went into the kitchen to Phil. Phil was sitting at the table looking worried 'tommy where were you?' 'I was... at a friends.' Tommy mumbled. 'Why didn't you respond to my texts.' Phil added. 'Cause I was with him.' Tommy uttered. 'Well tommy you better answer my text next time.' Phil declared. 'Okay.' Tommy then rolled his eyes but was hoping Phil didn't notice.

Tommy was sick of this. (Like he was nearly sick on tubbo haha.) Sick of his life, everything sucked. Well, not everything sucked. The only thing keeping tommy happy right now was Wilbur. He decided he was gonna hang out with Wilbur again so, he did.
'So tommy.' 'Yeah?' Tommy answered. 'What would be the worst way to die do you think.' 'Cement mixer.' Tommy blurted out. 'Wait what.' Wilbur laughed. 'Okay that's a good one actually.' 'What do you think will?' 'Hmm i think a bear.' 'Not as bad as a cement mixer though.' 'Hey tommy I've a question.' 'Yeah?' 'What happened to you after I ran off?' Tommy thought about that for a second. He didn't want to but he did. He wanted to tell Wilbur everything but he didn't want to worry him. So he came out with this instead. 'I bet the shit out of them and I ran off.' 'Okay tommy, that's very believable there were two men older than you but both of them? Yeah makes sense.' 'Okay well, i kicked them then made a run for it.' Tommy replied. 'Why did you story change then?' 'Cause I lied the first time?' 'Okay whatever.' Wilbur sighed. 'We should get drunk.' Tommy suggested. 'No thanks i do not want to deal with you drunk.' 'Okay fine then.' Tommy replied. 'Tag.' Tommy says as he runs off. Wilbur runs after him and tommy runs and hides behind a tree and laughs. It didn't take Wilbur long to catch him though. Wilbur caught him and tommy chased him into a shop. Wilbur was running and then Tommy bumped into someone. It was someone wearing a uniform. It was someone who worked there.' 'Follow me now!' The man ordered. Tommy said nothing and followed him eventually the man ran into Wilbur. 'Young man!' He said but Wilbur wasn't listening. 'Young man!!' He repeated. 'Oh uhm yeah?' Wilbur replied glancing horrified at tommy.' 'Follow me.' The man demanded. Wilbur followed him as well and the man kicked them out and as soon as the man walked away tommy burst out laughing. 'Wait what are you laughing at?' Wilbur said confused. 'We just got fucking kicked out!' Tommy said through tears. Tommy falls on the ground laughing and Wilbur does too. They lay there laughing for a while and then Wilbur gets up abruptly and looks at his phone. 'Oh shit.' Wilbur muttered. 'What?' Tommy asks. 'I have to go home but I'll talk to you later, yeah?' 'Yeah okay.' Tommy says as he watched Wilbur walk away and tommy goes back home. He didn't know if Phil was going to completely ignore him or start some argument. Tommy went straight up to his room to avoid Phil but what if Phil was ignoring him too. Tommy went to bed and tried to sleep but he couldn't. It was around 10pm at night when Phil went in. 'Hey tommy no Late Night walks okay?' 'Okay whatever.' Tommy replied then Phil left.

No late night walks?

Tommy snuck downstairs and he opened a window and hopped out he began another late night walk. It was pretty nice and he felt good whenever he went on walks. Everything was going fine till he saw George a bit in front of him. Fuck why hadn't he gone to the police about this but then he realised he wouldn't have a story to tell about how he escaped. 'Hey.' George said trying to hide the fear in his voice. 'Why don't you come with me and dream. We need to chat with you.' 'No!' Tommy spat as he slowly backed away. Until his back hit something or someone. He turned around to face what he had hit and dream was standing there. 'Hey tommy, what are you doing here?' Why should I tell you?' Tommy retorted. 'Just curious.' Dream replied. 'Tommy I've a question for you. 'How are you still alive?' Tommy stayed quiet for a second and then he turned to look at George. Then tommy ran. He could hear the two of them running behind him. Tommy ran to the fire escape of the nearest building. Nikki's hospital.
Tommy could still hear George and dream behind him, but tommy kept going up. Tommy ran up onto the roof and turned around. He could hear them both. They were near.

He then looked over at the edge and back to the stairs. George and dream were now on the roof. 'Tommy you don't wanna do this.' 'Oh yeah? What if I do?' Tommy spat. 'Tommy you know what what? Me and George have a proposal for you. 'What.' 'Why don't you join us both, you can't die supposedly and that would be great. Tommy you could have all the power you want if you join us, we don't need to be enemies we can work together.' 'Okay, okay fine I will.' 'Really?' George said in shock. 'No fuck you bitch.' Tommy said then, he jumped off the roof.

'Is he dead?' George asks. 'No he'll be back.' Dream watches as tommy falls.

Then splat.

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