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Tommy wakes up on the ground and runs off before he could find them both again. He climbed slowly and quietly back through the downstairs window ans back into bed. He fell asleep eventually though. Then tommy woke up in the worst way possible. Phil taking the blanket off his bed. 'Get up tommy!!' 'Noo.' Tommy grunts and he doesn't even move. 'Oh you are going to school today!' 'I know you've been skipping, you know I get emails every time you don't show?' 'Uhhhhh.' 'I'm going to drop you at the gate and make sure, you go in.' 'Oh comeee onnnn.' Tommy mumbled. 'No tommy, get up you have five minutes or I'm taking the pc.' Then Phil left. 'Oh for fuck sake.' Tommy mumbled to himself. Tommy got up and got ready for school he had never felt this much dread. He went downstairs and got into the car because, breakfast is overrated. Phil tried talking to him on the drive but Phil was not having it. He was on talking strike but Phil did exactly what he said he'd do. He dropped him right at the gate and watched him go in. Tommy went In and tommy immediately walked into the bathroom. He was not doing it. He his in a stall for god knows how long until the bell rang for lunch. He tried his best to ignore the teachers on the corridors. Tommy walked outside and ran into Ranboo. 'Hey Tommy.' 'You okay you haven't been to school in ages.' 'Wouldn't you like to know.' Tommy spat back.  Tommy don't talk to me like that okay? I'm just trying to talk with you.' Ranboo explained. 'Well maybe, just maybe I don't wanna talk. We aren't friends.' Tommy tries to get by but Ranboo stands in the way. 'Tommy talk to me.' 'Okay well, I'm talking to you now.' 'Properly.' Ranboo insisted. 'What's been going on with you?' 'I dunno.' Tommy laughs. 'Hey you laughed there.' 'No.. no i didn't.' 'Yes you did!!' 'Oh piss off Ranboo!' For a second it was just like all times.

It was all he wanted.
But he couldn't have it.

'Truce?' 'Bye.' 'Wait wha-.' Tommy then walks away. Tommy sits around and waits for the bell for everyone to return to class. It rings and everyone goes on as normal and goes to class, but tommy goes out the gate luckily unseen by the bitchy secretary. He walked around town for a while. Not going into any shops or buildings just walking. He then finds a nice quiet field. He lays down in it and he falls asleep watching the clouds. Haha! Phil couldn't stop this mother fucker from skipping. Tommy woke up abruptly to his phone ringing and answered it.

It was Phil.

'Where are you?' 'What?' Tommy said confused. 'I'm at the gate and you're not here.' Phil said concerned.
'Uhhh I'm walking home.' Tommy stammered. 'Tommy come here right now.' 'Okay.' Tommy sighs as he hangs up. I mean what was Phil gonna do? Tommy couldn't stop thinking about talking with Ranboo. Who were they kidding with that fucking truce. Maybe if Ranboo and tubbo didn't leave him out In the first place this mess wouldn't have happened and maybe just maybe- then tommy fell into a puddle. Not just any puddle though a deep, muddy, disgusting fucking puddle. Of course this happened to tommy. Just his fucking luck. Tommy got up and walked back to school and got into Phil's car. Awaiting some sort of screaming match. 'Tommy you know you can't- wait why are you covered in mud?' 'I don't want to talk about it.'  'Tommy you can't skip school you know that.' 'Well I just fucking did!' 'Tommy that's it.'
'PC gone.' 'What the fuck?' Tommy complained. 'Yeah tommy I'm taking it. 'Oh whatever' tommy mumbled to himself. Phil seemed happy with how he handled the situation. They don't talk the whole way home in the car. Basically, how it always is. They get home and tommy sits on his bed thinking about life? Death? Whatever this was. He was confused out of all people why this was given to him. What had tommy done that made him so deserving of getting this? There was also a thought in his mind that it was a curse but what had tommy done that was so bad to get this? Tommy had never done anything too bad to get this. So why wasn't he dying? Or maybe this was some lucky dip type bullshit. Tommy was scared. Scared of what was inside him. It was changing him. It caused him to lose Ranboo, tubbo. It caused his relationship with his dad to be a never ending argument. It felt like some sort of disease. Some cancer eating him inside slowly, but the changes were showing. There's nothing you can do about it no matter how hard you try. Tommy wanted to be that happy, funny guy he was but he couldn't. There was no chemo for whatever Tommy had. There is nothing he can do. Should he run away or let the wave swallow him? What would happen when all of the changes are done. He didn't wanna know. A text brings him out of his trance and it was from a random number and it said meet me at the park in five this is serious. Tommy gulped.

Who was this?

I mean if it's serious would they come find him if he didn't show up? There was only one thought in tommy's mind of who it could be.
Tommy goes downstairs and goes straight out the front door. He knows Phil won't complain because it's not night time so he didn't have to worry about Phil when he got home. He goes to the park and waits. Tommy was getting more anxious by the second. Then the mystery person showed up in a hoodie with the hood up. Tommy knew this wasn't dream. This person wasn't tall enough to be dream.
George? Then the guy pulled down his hood.
It was fucking tubbo. 'Oh for fuck sake tubbo you scared the shit out of me!!' Tommy exclaimed. 'What?' 'You fucking text me with a random number and come with your hood up.' 'Tommy I wanna talk to you and I knew you wouldn't otherwise.' 'Okay.' Tommy laughs nervously. 'What's this about?' 'Tommy we've- me and ranboo have been worried about you.' 'Well yeah duh you mentioned that in different ways thousands of times there is nothing to worry about.' Tommy rambled. 'What's been so off about you then!!' Tubbo commented. 'Nothing.' Tommy stammered. 'Tommy be honest.' 'Tubbo I think-.' Then tommy pauses 'yes?' Tubbo says confused. 'I think I'm dead tubbo.' 'Wait What?!?' Tubbo said sounding scared. 'Don't be silly Tommy of course you're not dead.' 'No tubbo you don't get it!' Tommy assured him. 'Tommy do you need help?' 'What? No! I'm not crazy, it's just- something's been- happening.' 'This is the kind of shit you need to be telling me Tommy, what's been going on.' 'Tubbo I can't- I can't say it.'

'Tommy you're scaring me.'

'No!- wait what? I'm not crazy tubbo it's just you won't believe me.' 'Oh yeah try me.' 'Well... tubbo I-.' 'I can't die tubbo. Then the words finally escaped his lips. The words he wanted to say for so long and- 'wait what?' 'Yeah tubbo, that's what's been happening with me.' 'Tommy I think you need to talk to someone.' 'What?!?' Tommy exclaimed. 'I thought out of all people you would understand.' Tommy said before walking away. Tubbo did try talking to tommy but he didn't listen he just kept walking. Until he got home and he went upstairs to his room. Fucking fantastic the guy he used to think he could tell anything to. Thinks he's crazy. Tommy tossed and turned all night but yet again he couldn't sleep.

Thank fuck it's the weekend.

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