If I died last night.

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Tommy didn't come home the next morning. Phil was a little bit worried. So he walked around searching for him to see if he started walking home. He couldn't find tommy anywhere though. He tried calling tommy but he never picked up. Phil was a bit more worried now but he hoped tommy was sleeping then he saw a fire truck and a cop car. Phil watched and tried to see where they were going. It went up the hill to the old, abandoned house. Phil was confused. Did they find the missing children? If they did then why was there a fire truck. Phil decided to follow it and he walked up the hill to the old abandoned house. There was caution tape all around the perimeter and people were gathered around. There was a fire man talking about how the house nearly burnt down completely but he got there in time.

Fucking asshole.

Phil's eyes wander over to the two stretchers with blankets over them. His heart skipped a beat. 'There was a teenage boy and a young adult.' An officer said in a cold tone. 'It might've been a double suicide, fucking tragic.' Another one said. His heart stopped. A teenage boy? 'Oh god please no.' Phil said to himself. All he kept saying to himself over and over was 'please don't be my boy.' 'Please don't be my boy.' Phil ran down the hill. It couldn't be tommy. Tommy was fine, he was at a friends house, he was okay.  Tommy was fine. He reassured himself. He was saying weird things though. Like how he said he'll miss him and goodbye. You don't say that when you're only going to your friends house for only a night. You say bye.

Not goodbye, never goodbye.

Phil ran back home to look for any signs that tommy came back home but there was none. Then the shed. The lock was, broken. Phil ran out and opened the shed. There was nothing new in there but then he realised there was something missing. He looked around desperately for what it could be and he looked over at the lawnmower. His heart sank. The gasoline was missing. All of it. Phil cried.
It was his boy.
Why hadn't he listened to tommy? Phil had never felt such regret. He should've reassured Tommy, told him everything was gonna be okay. Maybe he'd still be here. He wanted to hug Tommy one last time. Tommy was all he had. Oh god how he wanted to see Tommy and his wife. Who was the other person who died with him? Phil's thoughts were racing he didn't know what to do.

'Ranboo what's up?' 'Tubbo something happened.' 'Wait what?' 'Yesterday tommy apologised to me and you too and I said okay we can move past this now but for some reason he said he couldn't and goodbye?' 'I knew that fucker would come around, I missed him.' 'Yeah but tubbo he said he couldn't and goodbye.' 'He's probably just being weird?' Tubbo suggested. 'Yeah maybe.' Then they continued paying attention in class when the principal called them out of the class. 'Hey can I have tubbo and ranboo from the class for a minute someone wants to see them.'  'Of course.' The teacher replied. Tubbo and ranboo walked out and followed the principal out to where he was taking them. 'What's happening ran?' 'I don't know tubbo I guess we'll see.' They walk up to reception and they see Tommy's dad there. 'Hi guys, how've you been.' Phil began. 'We're good what's up Phil?' Tubbo replied. 'I'm so sorry about how Tommy has acted towards you guys lately.' 'That's fine you didn't need to come here to apologise for him he already did.' 'Did he?' Phil asked. 'Yeah he came up to me and apologised and said goodbye or something.' 'that's not why I came.' Tubbo and Ranboo look at Phil confused. Tommy,.. killed himself with someone, I don't know who it is but they think it's a suicide.' Tubbo tried to prevent the tears from coming but they did and ranboo stands there motionless. 'Oh my god Phil..' tubbo began. 'No it's okay.' Phil said through tears and then he hugged them both. 'I could get you both a lift home?'  They both nod. Tubbo was so upset. Out of all people why did Tommy have to go? Why did whoever ruled the sky take tommy away from them so soon? Tubbo didn't even get to say goodbye. Their last conversation was an argument. Tubbo cried silently in the back of Phil's car but he wasn't ashamed. He knew Phil was probably crying too.

Soon after they identified the bodies. One being tommy and the other being the infamous smile killer. People around now know that Tommy was a hero, who sacrificed himself trying to save everyone from a killer. Tubbo Ranboo and Wilbur become friends after the incident. The all relate to each other and no one is left out. They are happy for the first time in a while.

Phil moves on but he is still healing from it, which is okay. Phil now understands that it was nobody's fault and Tommy just wanted to help people. He thinks of tommy everyday and every night. He is happy and he is not afraid to die because he knows tommy and his wife will be waiting for him when the time comes, wherever they are. Whenever they all look up at the sky and see a bird they smile. As it reminds them of their friend tommy. They miss him but they'll see them someday. No matter how long it takes tommy will wait.

They will all meet someday.


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