The Awakening part 3

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Stephanie was with Elisa in her car. Stephanie needed to speck with Goliath and fast. But the car stops. "Elisa what is it." Stephanie asks her older sister. "That." Elisa said, pointing up in the sky.
Stephanie looks up in the sky, and her eyes widened. It was the cyber-biotics airships and it was bursting into flames. And some of the people from the airship were jumping into the river.
But Stephanie saw something flying out of the airship. Two Gargoyles, Goliath and a different one they have not meet before. "Goliath." Stephanie said confused.

With the Gargoyles
After bringing back the disks to Xanatos. After Hudson, Brooklyn, Broadway, Lexington and Bronx went inside the castle to get something to eat. Goliath said to his former lover, his second in command.

"I have promised a friend to meet a friend

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"I have promised a friend to meet a friend. I'll be back soon."
The second was surprised at this. "A friend. Who, not one of us." She said
"No, a human.  Stephanie Maza and her older sister Elisa Maza." Goliath said.
"Aside from Xanatos, we have no human friends. Nor shall we." She argued to Goliath. "Humanity is our enemy Goliath. I thought you learned that a millennium ago." Second said.
Goliath looks at his lover and second in command. She has changed.
"I cannot make war with an entire world. Goliath said. "Doesn't Xanatos prove that there are good humans, as well as bad." When Goliath turned around, the second block his tracks, with her wings out. "Can you forgive the humans for what they did to our kind." She growled.
"The ones responsible for that has been dead for thousands of years." Goliath said. "Then their descendants shall pay.I will have blood for blood." Second said with revenge in her voice.
"You said the centuries have changed me." Goliath told her, on what she said to him. "They've changed you too."
The second stopped at that and locked at Goliath with shocking eyes.

Stephanie and Elisa, was waiting at the building were to meet Goliath. Stephanie was was pacing around, but when Goliath landed. She stops, and went over to him. "Are you ok." She said . Goliath told. "Yes why would I be."
"Three Cyber-Biotics installation have been robbed." Elisa said, as she looks at Goliath.
   "And we saw you flying away from the airship attack with an other Gargoyle." Stephanie said to Goliath, want to know what's going on.
"The disks that were stolen from Xanatos. We just returned them to him." Goliath explained.
Then Stephanie pulled out a paper with a logo on it. "Remember that transmitter." She told Goliath. He nodded his head. "I look at the logo, and find out who it belongs to." She said, before her sister talked. "It belongs to Xanatos Entireprises." That made Goliath shock.
"You mean Xanatos was responsible for the attack at the park." Goliath said, making Stephanie nodded her head.
"Yay, and he was responsible for the attack at the castle to." Stephanie told Goliath.
"But why would they steal from Xanatos." Goliath asked. "Goliath nothing was stolen." Elisa said.
"Goliath he lied to you."
"Yeah, he tricked you from the very beginning." Stephanie said to Goliath.
Goliath had a lock of shock on his face.
Stephanie puts a hand on his shoulder, and he looks at her. "Listen Goliath, I know we don't know each other very long. And you have any good reason to trust humans." Stephanie said with a soft voice. As Goliath  turn away from that. But Stephanie took his face gently, and made him look at her. Goliath eyes soften at Stephanie. "You need to trust somebody. But I think you are better off, with me and my sister then Xanatos."
Goliath smiled at Stephanie, as he took the paper with the logo on it. He lets out a growl as he crushed it.
"You won't regret it." Elisa said, smiling.
"Come let's go stop Xanatos." Stephanie told Goliath. Making Goliath smirk at Stephanie.

As Stephanie and Elisa got their. Elisa was going to find a way towards Xanatos, while Stephanie go help Goliath. They saw Goliath defeated robots of Gargoyles.
But then a the female Gargoyle.
She shot a missile at Goliath. And Xanatos was pointing the gun at the others, as they helped Brooklyn up.
"Goliath, you're a fool, but then you have been always were, weren't you." The second told Goliath in a new voice he never heard before.
Stephanie was worried for Goliath, and was about to save him. But she stopped, as the Second said something. "If you'd only taken the rest of the clan away from the castle that night. The plan was perfect."
"Plan." Goliath muttered.
"It would have succeeded." Second said.
"What plan." Goliath asked.
"I made a bargain with the captain, I was to get us all out of the castle so that the Vikings could sack it." Second explained.
"What." Goliath gasped in shock.
Stephanie covered her mouth in horror at this.
"It would have work." She explained. "And after the humans were gone, we would've had the castle all to ourselves." Stephanie give the female gargoyle are glare, so did Goliath.
"But you ruined it. You had to protect the humans, you made us stay at the castle when we should've been with you." Second said.
Stephanie looks at the others, they were shocked at this.
"When the Vikings attacked, the captain said he'd protect us. But I didn't trust him. I stayed alive because I don't trust anyone. " second said.
"But why." Goliath said, broken.
"You can asked me that." She snapped. "After how they treated us. They had to pay. All Humanity has to pay for that they did to our kind."
The second walks slowly towards Goliath. "Together you and I could create  a new world for our kind. You trusted me once you loved me once. We found each other again after a thousand years of solitude. Dosen't the mean nothing to you." She said.
Stephanie looks at Goliath he had tears in his eyes, and of hirt and betrayal in his eyes. He turned away from her and said nothing to her.
The second pointed her weapon at " Very well, then. If you are not my ally  then you are my enemy." She said, as she fired at behind Goliath, sending him to flying and landed on his back.
The Second then told Goliath. "I have a name to. The humans gave it to me long ago. You should know before you died.... I am Demona." As she pointed her weapon at him.
"Nooo." Stephanie yells out, and tackled Demona. The weapon went off, and it shot at the large tower. Hiting it, and making it crumbled to the ground. As Xanatos was fight Elisa, who snucked behind him. A rumble hits him on the back "ARGH."  Xanatos cried out, before knocking him unconscious. And Elisa mange to get pit of the way.
"Ahhh." Stephanie yells out, as she and Demona fell.
But Goliath glided and managed to save her. As he brought her back, to a safer part of the castle. He looks down at the edge for Demona. But he couldn't see her.
Goliath let out a mighty roar, of anger.
Stephanie looks at Goliath in pity.
As Xanatos came about, Goliath grabs him by the shirt.
"She wants me to destroy humanity." Goliath said snarling, as he hangs Xanatos over the edge of the castle.
"I think I'll start with you."
Stephanie then stepped forward, to stop him. "Goliath, don't do this." Stephanie told him.
"Give me one good reason, not to drop him." Goliath said, looking at Stephanie.
"Because this is not you." Stephanie said, with honesty in his words.
Goliath looks at, Stephanie when he heard her.
"Your right." Goliath said, and tossed Xanatos towards Elisa. Stephanie and Hudson smiled at Goliath. Elisa puts Xanatos behind his back and placed handcuffs on him.

Goliath and Stephanie watches from top. As Elisa was putting Xanatos in a police car.
Hudson was standing beside Goliath, so was Stephanie. "Do you think she survived." He asked the two, he was talking about Demona.
"We just have to wait and see." Stephanie told, with Hudson nodding his head. "She's right, we wait."
As the sun was about to rise, and all the gargoyles took their places.
"Thank you Stephanie, it's nice to know that we have two human friends in this world." Goliath said, to Stephanie. As he talks about her and Elisa.
"Thanks Goliath." Stephanie said, smiling.
"So same thing tonight." Stephanie asks, Goliath.
"I wouldn't miss it." Goliath said, that makes Stephanie blush.
Goliath saw her blushing, and to him. It makes her look beautiful.
As the sun came up, Goliath got in his position.
"Great, maybe we might catch the Giants." Stephanie told Goliath.
"Giants." Goliath said in Confusion, as he looks at her. Before turning to Stone, Stephanie laughs. As she saw his face.
"Do you think the City is ready for them." Elisa told her little sister, as she came up from behind her.
Stephanie looks at her sister, and back at Goliath.
"I think they are." Stephanie said, as an idea came to her.
Maybe this will be a great book.

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