The Awakening part 2

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As the gun was pointed at Goliath. That made Stephanie snapped. She stomped on her Capive foot, allowing him to release her. And she elbowed him in the stomach and then she tackled the gunmen who was pointing the gun at Goliath. While Goliath manages to throw off the gunmen off of him. Stephanie then went to Goliath, as he gets up. "Goliath are you alright." Stephanie said, then the gunman's  started their guns at them.
Goliath picked Stephanie up, but he groans  in the effect of the dart. But that didn't stop him, as he starts running through the park.
Stephanie and Goliath didn't look back, as they still being shot at. Then Stephanie pointed at a small hill, and Goliath know what she is thinking. He ran towards it, and then Goliath jumps off, and spread his wings and took off, losing the gunmen.

After a few minutes Goliath stops gliding. For some reason he was so tired. "Don't worry Goliath I got you." Stephanie said, as he puts his arm around her shoulders. And help him walk.
As they walked under a bridge, then Goliath stops walking and fell on his knees and groans. "What is wrong with me." He said, Stephanie helped him by taking the dart out of his arms.
"This is what happening to you. " Stephanie said, showing him the dart. "They pumped you full of something."
As Stephanie throws the dart away, before she saw something under Goliaths wing.
"Wait a minute, What's this." Stephanie said, as she plucked if from his back.
"What is this." Goliath said, as he looks at what is in her hand. "It's a radio transmitter. A tracker." Stephanie said, as she saw a logo on it. "A logo, I can look and find out who those guys are." Stephanie said, as she took a picture of the logo.
"But how did this err, transmitter, get on me." Goliath said, Stephanie narrowed her eyes and said. "That's a good question." When Stephanie saw a stray dog, going through the garbage under the bridge. That gives Stephanie an idea, she approached the dog and called out to it. "Come here, boy."
The dog growled at her first. But Stephanie crouched down and offered her head for him to smell. "It's ok, I won't hurt you." She said softly, Goliath watches her. He smiled at her she is kind hearted to animals to.
When the dog sniffed her hand, it calmed down and give her a few licks.
Stephanie smiled  and scratched the dog on the head, and putting the transmitter behind his ear. "Go on, Go on. Go." Stephanie told the dog, as the canine run of into the park. So the gunmen will be following the dog.
"Their, they will be following the dog, instead of us." Stephanie said, as she went over to Goliath. Helping him up before they continued walking.
"That was very, smart." Goliath told her.
Stephanie blushed, and said. "Thanks."
As they continued walking, Goliath looks at Stephanie. Even he doesn't trusted humans, but Stephanie even her sister isn't like them. But he found Stephanie beautiful, and she is the kindest human he has ever seen.

After a few hours, Goliath turned to the night sky to see it was turn bright. The sun is coming up. "It's to late." Goliath let out. "I'll never make it back before sunrise."
Stephanie looks at him worried. "What happens at Sunrise." She said, as Goliath freed himself from Stephanie grip. And went over to a shaded of trees and a lot of bushes. So know will see him, and gets into a crouched position.
"You will see." Goliath said, making Stephanie confused. Before she could asks, she heard something from behind her. And she turned around, to see the group of gunmen coming near them.
She gasped, as the sun rises up through the skyscrapers. Goliath their bac- Stephanie turns to Goliath, but she gasped softly, as Goliath turns to Stone.
"So that what happens during the day." Stephanie whispered.
Stephanie peeked over the bushes, to see the gunmen getting closer. So Stephanie did one thing to get them away from Goliath.
She ran right in front of them gaining their attention.
"There she is." A gunmen said pointing at Stephanie.
"Where's the beast." A female Gunmen asked. "We can track him later with the transmitter. Just get her." The gunmen who was the leader. And they gunmen went after Stephanie. And Stephanie counted the group. Their was five of them.
So Stephanie manages to knocked out three of the Gunmen, when she hides in a picnic grounds.
And the last two, spotted her. So she ran into a nearby boathouse and locks the door. And Stephanie let's out a scream and ducks down. When they started firing their guns at the boathouse she was in.
They stopped firing their guns, and Stephanie was glad. No bullets hit her, but then she smelled something.
She turned towards the smell, it was gasoline. Stephanie smiled, as an idea came to her. So she jumps into the water, as the boathouse exploded.
As Stephanie swam under water as fast as she can. And she came up under a boardwalk. Stephanie gasped for air, and she saw the female Gunmen was underneath her. So she grabs her yanking her into the lake.
The leader heard the splash,  and saw Stephanie getting out of the water and running the woods, he grinned and running after her.

Stephanie gets an idea and takes off her purple jacket and hanging it, on a branch. And went behind a rock and grabs a huge branch. That has fallen of, and waited for her surprise attack.
"It's over lady." The leader called out. "Don't get me wrong, I admire you. You and that freak job took out four of my People."
"And now..." He said, Stephanie pecks over the rock to see it was time to strike.
"Uh- oh." The leader mutters out, realizes that he fell right into a trap.
Stephanie jumps out from behind the rock. And swing the branch over her head, and hits him heard on the head.  The leader fells to the ground knocked out cold.
"He is not a freak." Stephanie angrily mutters out. As she took her jacket off the branch and puts it back on.
And runs back to Goliath.

For the rest of the day, Stephanie remains by Goliath side. No one came by except for a local jogger.
It was the evening, and Stephanie was taking a nap. But when she heard cracking sounds, she wakes up. She gets up on her feet. "Wow." Stephanie muttered out, as Goliath broke from his stone sleep.
Once he was up, Stephanie went to his side.
"Goliath are you already." Stephanie said with worried.
"Of course." Goliath said to her with a smile.
"At least you look all better know." Stephanie said, to him.
"Sleep rejuvenates us." Goliath explained, and he looks at her again. "You stayed with me, throughout the entire day." He asked her.
"Yes, you need help. And I wasn't letting those guys get you." Stephanie said, making Goliath smile.
"Thank you Stephanie, you saved my life." Goliath said, as he offered his hand. Making Stephanie smile, and offered her hand towards his.
"And you saved my life twice." She said, Goliath nodded his head, and looks up in the sky. "I must return to the castle. The others will be worried." He said.
Stephanie nodded her and said. "I understand." Goliath turns away, and was about to take off.
But Stephanie stops him. "So later tonight." Goliath turned to her, smiling while nodding his head. "Yes, see you tonight,  Stephanie." Goliath told her
Stephanie smiled, and she walks away. And Goliath glides away.

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