Chapter 26

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Few days passed but Jhon wasn't able to find out about the person behind Mr. Will's accident. But one thing was clear that the accident was not because of Mr. Will's personal reasons.

Now Demon was more stressed, so he was right, someone is behind him. Someone doesn't want him to have the power where he can have the government and the economy in his hands.

Day by day Samara became more silent. Earlier she used to talk to the maids bit now she spend most of her time looking at the cliff which is visible from her bedroom window.

Samara's behavior was bothering Demon. Seeing her like that was killing him from inside but he was helpless. He can't even imagine a scratch on her body then how can he risk her life.

Today Demon came early from the office so that he could spend some time with Samara and maybe she would feel better.

When he entered the bedroom he saw her standing near the window looking at the sunset behind the cliff.

Samara was lost in her thoughts. She was thinking that this had become her life and she can never go out again. She was getting more and more depressed day by day thinking she can never have a normal life. Having a normal life have become a dream for her.

Demon walked towards her and hugged her from behind, and said putting his head on her shoulder and looking towards the sunset, " You wanna go there and watch it a little closely? "

Samara's face lit up with happiness. She immediately turned around and asked like a happy child, "Can i really go there?"

Demon felt bad. He nodded his head but was feeling very depressed. He had always wanted to give her all the happiness of the world but he has caged her. She is yearning for such a small thing.

Demon held her hand and said, " Come on, let's go there together. "

Samara happily followed him without any hesitation.The cliff was a little far away from the castle and they had to walk to go there. When they reached the cliff Samara didn't move much forward. She pulled her hand back from Demon's who was walking ahead of her and said, " I'm scared of heights. "

Demon smiled and said, " Don't worry Pumpkin it's not very deep, it's just a small cliff with a sea below it. And why are you scared when I'm here. "

Samara felt a little courageous  thinking Demon was there. She moved a little forward while holding his hand tightly. When she walked ahead her hands were shaking because she was scared.

Demon felt her fear and tighten his grip on her hand and pulled her close to him holding her in his arms he said , " Don't be afraid, I will never let anything bad happen to you. You can rely on me forever. "

Samara felt touched by his words and unknowingly leaned in his arms, and they both enjoyed the sunset together.

After the sunset when Demon looked down he saw Samara peacefully sleeping in his arms.

I'm sorry for not being able to update the story. My maternal grandfather passed away and i was busy with his last rites.
But I'll try to be as frequent as possible.

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