Chapter Two

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He then remembered where she worked. And after his schedule was over for the day he brought Min Hyun to the club and realized that the place was as it was back then. There were less patrons than before. And the bodyguards didn't allow him in due to having a baby by his side.

"Just my damn luck" he grumbled. The baby now fast asleep on his chest. He looked for anyone around and found someone coming out from the back door.

"Uh excuse me" he called the person, and the young man who just finished throwing the rubbish took a short glance at him and leave. But was called again "Hey you. I want to ask something"

The guy looked at him with a judging expression "What do you need sir?" He ask

He just ask "Can you ask if there is a girl around 19-20 years old who used to work here under the name ......"

He looked at the man uninterested and saw the baby "Oh she quit" that's all he said and went inside slamming the door loudly making the baby woke up and cry.

"Shh" he try to coax him "it's okay buddy. Let's go home okay" and soon he headed to the car where the driver was waiting for him patiently.

The both of them slept that night side by side a pillow covering the side to protect the baby from falling.

He woke up a few hours later in the middle of the night from the baby crying his little eyes out.

Groaning, he got up and check the diaper changing it and made milk to feed him.

He apartment was quiet as he fed and watch the baby's eyes fluttered shut falling asleep. He burped him and put him back to bed and continue sleeping.

He realized being a mom wasn't what he expected and now appreciated his mom taking care of him when he was a baby.

As the sun comes up he woke up first and freshen up and decided to make breakfast. He heard crying and went to the bedroom to find the little baby now eyes full of tears and red from all the crying.

"Okay buddy. I'm here. Let's have breakfast okay?" He soothe the baby who looked up at after he stopped crying and as the man rub his back to comfort him he felt safe.

They went to the kitchen and he placed the baby on a blanket and realized the baby already look like he already how to crawl.

He put some cartoon show for babies and went to start to cook.

Frying eggs and some sausages for himself. He set it aside and made some soft food. He got some of the eggs and mash it a little bit and putting it in a small bowl he went to the living room to find the baby eyes on the TV watching the cartoon of a shark singing and dancing.

He fed the baby some first and he ate it all until it finishes and soon it was his turn to eat.

The six months old baby started to cry and he changed into the diaper. He doesn't have any schedule for the day thus he have free time. Decided to buy something to accommodate the new tenant he decided to make a list.

"Let's see. So we need baby chair. Bath tub for baby. Clothes, food, bib, diapers, wipes, what else?" He ask the baby who was now drooling.

He Googled what needs to be bought and put the rest in the list. Soon they were put the door and into the car where he put the baby in the carrier he was he was brought in.

He put a mental note to buy baby seat as well. As they entered the mall, with a disguise they got a trolley and started putting things in there. The baby started to cry as he got the bottle he made earlier knowing he will have a hard time to find hot water.

As they went in almost every aisle the baby was now fast asleep. Covering the child on his chest was stuffy and soon he manage to find everything he needs.

The next challenge was to proceed the payment and put it all in his small car, cursing himself that he didn't ask from his manager for the van as it would be easier and accommodating.

As he placed the baby seat, and realizing that it was too big to fit the car. And he made a mental note to change his car soon to something that would be fitting.

Finally putting the sleeping baby in the seat and buckling him securely, he closed the door gently and went to put every other things in the back of the car.

As soon as it was done he let out a sigh of relief as he went to sit at the drivers seat and started the car. It was already on and the aircond was on since it was about 100 degrees outside. He watch the baby from time to time as he drove back to his apartment.

The sun coming down was the highlight of the day at the spending time sitting on the couch watching TV together.

The day ends when he already set up the crib for the baby while the said baby was on the bed having his nap.

The man worked hard and it was worth it as he sees the little guy sleeping soundly on his new crib.

He went to lay down and watch the rise and fall of breaths coming from the sleeping baby and wondered "I will find your mom baby boy"

At that same moment, the mom was in a school dorm. She had to quit school halfway to give birth to her baby. As she gave him to the father she felt guilty and wonder how her baby boy was doing.

She decided to check on them and sneak around and saw them coming back with a lot of item. He was happy the father is being a responsible parent.

She prayed every night "One day I will come back okay baby. Don't worry" she whispered as she prayed every single night before bed knowing her child she gave birth to is safe.

She knew that one day she will have to meet the father of her baby face to face. Knowing to face him after leaving without a trace.

She didn't know that she was being watched by someone who planned to make her life a living hell.

"You will regret ever coming close to him, bitch" the person said with an evil glint in their eyes.

What will happen next? Stay tuned to The Night It Happened.

AN: so here is another chapter for the day. I think I will stop for t her day and continue tomorrow. Well I hope my readers aren't bored with all the full details and all. Anywho let me know what you think. Until next time.

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