Chapter Seven

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A few week gone by after the funeral and life goes on for them. The superstar now goes back home everyday to see his family while the young mom and wife finally graduated from the University.

Somewhere in the city a young woman was still not satisfied.

"I must ruin her life once and for all" she said vehemently. In her mind she has a plan. And it's full prove.

"You will never walk on this earth ever again" she said with gritted teeth. The young man who sat just across from her just roll his eyes.

"Good luck with your plan" he said as he pick on his nails. He didn't see a book that flew towards his head as he manage to unconsciously doge it when he sees a snail on the floor. "Oh hello there"

The girl just screamed and that made him cover his ears. "God you're so noisy"

Back at the apartment the two were having a rest day. He was watching TV with his son by his side while she was cooking lunch.

The thoughts of her father weren't discussed as it would trigger her panic attack.

It happened a week after the funeral when she woke up in cold sweat and started to hunched at the side of the bed holding onto her knees. He woke up to find her that way and her eyes were moving about thus he comfort her until she fell asleep. He carried her back to bed and watch her sleep.

The next morning he suggested something ".... Let's go have a check up for Min Hyun" and she started to have tears in her eyes.

"What if the doctor inject him?" She was pouting and it was too adorable for him and he held in the laugh and said "I'm sure they won't. Come on" he said as he gently nudge her to the bedroom and tell her to get ready.

She doesn't know that he booked an appointment with a family doctor who will see not just their son they will check her health as well.

He prayed it wasn't serious as he wants the best for her.

They drove to the family clinic and was greeted by the nurse who was smiling as they came in

"Hello. May I know the name of the patient?"

The young mother took out the birth certificate and medical cards and said "Lee Min Hyun"

The nurse nodded and also ask "May I have your ID as well Ma'am" and she slid the ID out from her wallet and placing it on the counter.

"Please take a seat and we will call you once the doctor is ready to see you"The nurse said and the family of three sat down.

He stood up and went to the nurse and said in a silent tone "Please register for my wife as well" and the nurse nodded with a soft smile and he went back to sit.

After a little while Min Hyun's name was called thus the three went to the door and opened to see a man in a white coat, a stethoscope around his neck was smiling and greeted them

"Hello" The smiling doctor said and Min Hyun smiled happily. Still wasn't aware of his surrounding.

"Hello doctor" they greeted the doctor"

"And who is Min Hyun?"The doctor ask and the little baby clapping and made the adults smile. "Why such an adorable smile you have"

The doctor ask for his past medical records which were given to him and he checked "He was jaundiced when he was small?"

The young mom nodded "Yes but I was given advice by some nice ladies near my neighborhood how to get rid of it" she replied as she held onto the little baby's fist.

"I see. Well other than that and a slight cold that was it, correct? And he is healthy" the doctor said

The young mom nodded "Yes. A very healthy baby" She replied

"Now shall we check on you Min Hyun?" He said in a joyful voice as he took out his stethoscope and check on his pulse. He checked on the temperature as well as put him on the scale specialized for babies.

He listed all the information down on the white medical card and looked at him "Okay so he is not overweight or undernourished. Everything seems good. May I ask if he has gotten his three shots?"

The mom just kept quiet and the doctor nodded "I will give him three shots. It is to boost his immune system while he is growing" he nodded the nurse who was now ready with the shots and while he distracted him, the doctor gave the shots

There were tears and as the parents try to comfort him the doctor said "I suggest she should get more" he looked at the now calm baby, tears still present and he is pouting "Since he should have gotten them since he was born"

The young parents just nodded and the young mom felt guilty. The father just held her hand to comfort her and that made her feel better.

"Anyway I will schedule the next appointment maybe in a month time?" He turned to the baby "See you again soon baby boy" the baby still pouting was brought outside not before being called by the doctor "Ms. I think you can stay. I want to ask you something"

She looked at her husband and was reluctant to go but he nodded "Go. Maybe he will ask something important" He said and soon he left the room with the baby leaving the doctor alone with the young mother.

The husband watch as the door closes and prayed she doesn't kill him later.

Not even half an hour later she came out pouts at him and grumbled "You are sleeping on the couch" and stormed away to the cashier.

He knew he is in a lot of trouble. As he paid for the doctor's consultation fee and were given some medication for Min Hyun as well as the young mother, they went to car and it was silent.

The ride home was in complete silence and he knew there was something on her mind which she didn't wish to share.

Once they reached home, they changed into comfortable clothes, Min Hyun was fed and the husband and wife have their own dinner.

As the husband went to get extra blankets as tonight he will stay on the couch he was surprised when he felt a familiar warmth holding him from behind him.

"What's wrong babe?" He ask as he turned and facing her.

"The doctor recommend me to meet a shrink" was her reply as he hugged her

"It's okay. Everything will be okay" he console her

"Don't sleep on the couch. Hug me tonight please" she begged him and thus the husband and wife slept peacefully on their bed side by side.

What will happen when someone came and disturb their peace? Stay tuned to The Night It Happened.

AN: Hi. Sorry boring chapter. Anywho hope my readers like it. Will make it fast and furious soon. Well until next time.

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